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πŸ”ͺ Melee

A Melee represents an Entity which can be Pickable by a Character and can be used to melee attack, Charactes can hold it with hands with pre-defined handling modes.

This class can only be spawned on 🟦 Server side.
This class shares methods and events from , , , .
πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»API Source
This page is auto-generated! The Functions, Properties and Events described here are defined in our GitHub's API Repository! Feel free to commit suggestions and changes to the source .json API files!

πŸŽ’ Examples​

local crowbar = Melee(
Vector(-900, 185, 215),
Rotator(0, 90, 90),

crowbar:SetScale(Vector(1.5, 1.5, 1.5))
crowbar:SetDamageSettings(0.3, 0.5)

πŸ›  Constructors​

Default Constructor

No description provided

local my_melee = Melee(location, rotation, asset, collision_type?, gravity_enabled?, handling_mode?, crosshair_material?, can_use?)
Vectorlocation Required parameter No description provided
Rotatorrotation Required parameter No description provided
asset Required parameter No description provided
collision_typeCollisionType.AutoNo description provided
gravity_enabledtrueNo description provided
handling_modeHandlingMode.TorchNo description provided
crosshair_materialNo description provided
can_usetrueNo description provided

nanos world provides a special Particle* called nanos-world::P_Grenade_Special which spawns different particles depending on the surface it explodes, and also if is underwater.

*This "Particle" is just a special identifier which can only be used on Grenades!

πŸ—Ώ Static Functions​

Inherited Entity Static Functions
Melee inherits from Base Entity Class, sharing it's methods and functions:
Base Entityscripting-reference/classes/base-classes/Entity
of Returns a table containing all Entities of the class this is called on
Returns a specific Entity of this class at an index
Returns how many Entities of this class exist
of Gets a list of all directly inherited classes from this Class created with the Inheriting System
Returns an iterator with all Entities of this class to be used with pairs()
or Gets the parent class if this Class was created with the Inheriting System
Inherits this class with the Inheriting System
Gets if this Class is child of another class if this Class was created with the Inheriting System
Subscribes to an Event for all entities of this Class
Subscribes to a custom event called from server
Unsubscribes all callbacks from this Event in this Class within this Package, or only the callback passed

This class doesn't have own static functions.

🦠 Functions​

Inherited Entity Functions
Melee inherits from Base Entity Class, sharing it's methods and functions:
Base Entityscripting-reference/classes/base-classes/Entity
Calls a custom remote event directly on this entity to all Players
Calls a custom remote event directly on this entity to a specific Player
Calls a custom remote event directly on this entity
Destroys this Entity
of Gets a list of all values keys
Gets the class of this entity
Gets the universal network ID of this Entity (same on both client and server)
Gets a Value stored on this Entity at the given key
Recursively checks if this entity is inherited from a Class
Returns true if this Entity is valid (i.e. wasn't destroyed and points to a valid Entity)
Sets a Value in this Entity
Subscribes to an Event on this specific entity
Subscribes to a custom event called from server on this specific entity
Unsubscribes all callbacks from this Event in this Entity within this Package, or only the callback passed
Inherited Actor Functions
Melee inherits from Base Actor Class, sharing it's methods and functions:
Base Actorscripting-reference/classes/base-classes/Actor
Adds an Unreal Actor Tag to this Actor
Applies a force in world world to this Actor
Attaches this Actor to any other Actor, optionally at a specific bone
Detaches this Actor from AttachedTo Actor
of Gets all Unreal Actor Tags on this Actor
of Gets all Actors attached to this Actor
or Gets the Actor this Actor is attached to
Gets this Actor's bounds
Gets this Actor's collision type
Gets this Actor's dimension
Gets the distance of this Actor from the Camera
VectorGets this Actor's force (set by SetForce())
VectorGets this Actor's location in the game world
Player or Gets this Actor's Network Authority Player
VectorGets this Actor's Relative Location if it's attached
RotatorGets this Actor's Relative Rotation if it's attached
RotatorGets this Actor's angle in the game world
VectorGets this Actor's scale
Gets the percentage of this Actor size in the screen
Gets a Socket Transform in world space given a bone or socket name
VectorGets this Actor's current velocity
Gets if this Actor was spawned by the client side
Returns true if the local Player is currently the Network Authority of this Actor
Returns true if this Actor is being destroyed
Returns true if gravity is enabled on this Actor
Returns true if this Actor is in water
Returns true if this Actor is currently network distributed
Returns true if this Actor is visible
Removes an Unreal Actor Tag from this Actor
Smoothly rotates this actor to an angle over a certain time
Sets this Actor's collision type
Sets this Actor's Dimension
Adds a permanent force to this Actor, set to Vector(0, 0, 0) to cancel
Sets whether gravity is enabled on this Actor
Sets whether the highlight is enabled on this Actor, and which highlight index to use
Sets the time (in seconds) before this Actor is destroyed. After this time has passed, the actor will be automatically destroyed.
Sets this Actor's location in the game world
Sets the Player to have network authority over this Actor
Sets if this Actor will auto distribute the network authority between players
Sets whether the outline is enabled on this Actor, and which outline index to use
Sets this Actor's relative location in local space (only if this actor is attached)
Sets this Actor's relative rotation in local space (only if this actor is attached)
Sets this Actor's rotation in the game world
Sets this Actor's scale
Sets whether the actor is visible or not
Smoothly moves this actor to a location over a certain time
Gets if this Actor was recently rendered on screen
Inherited Paintable Functions
Melee inherits from Base Paintable Class, sharing it's methods and functions:
Base Paintablescripting-reference/classes/base-classes/Paintable
Resets the material from the specified index to the original one
Sets the material at the specified index of this Actor
Sets a Color parameter in this Actor's material
Sets the material at the specified index of this Actor to a Canvas object
Sets the material at the specified index of this Actor to a SceneCapture object
Sets the material at the specified index of this Actor to a WebUI object
Sets a Scalar parameter in this Actor's material
Sets a texture parameter in this Actor's material to an image on disk
Sets a Vector parameter in this Actor's material
Overrides this Actor's Physical Material with a new one
Inherited Pickable Functions
Melee inherits from Base Pickable Class, sharing it's methods and functions:
Base Pickablescripting-reference/classes/base-classes/Pickable
Attaches a Skeletal Mesh as master pose to this entity
Attaches a Static Mesh to this entity
of Gets all Skeletal Meshes attached to this entity
of Gets all Static Meshes attached to this entity
Character or Gets the Character, if it exists, that's holding this Pickable
Gets the Handling Mode of this Pickable
Gets the name of the asset this Pickable uses
Pulls the usage of this Pickable (will start firing if this is a weapon)
Releases the usage of this Pickable (will stop firing if this is a weapon)
Removes all SkeletalMeshes attached
Removes all StaticMeshes attached
Removes, if it exists, a SkeletalMesh from this Pickable given its custom ID
Removes, if it exists, a StaticMesh from this Pickable given its custom ID
Sets the Attachment Settings for this Pickable (how it attaches to the Character when Picking up)
Sets the crosshair material for this Pickable
Sets if this Pickable can be picked up from ground by the player
Sets a Static Mesh Attached location and rotation
Sets an Animation when attacking
Clears the Character Attack Animation list
of Gets the Animations when Character uses it
Gets the Base Damage
Gets the Cooldown between usages
Gets the Sound when Character uses it
Sets the Base Damage
Sets the cooldown between attacking
Sets the times when to start applying damage and when to end
Sets the Sound when hitting something
Sets the Sound when attacking


Sets an Animation when attacking

You can add more than one animation, which will be selected randomly when attacking

my_melee:AddAnimationCharacterUse(asset_path, play_rate, slot_Type)
asset_path Required parameter The Animation used when attacking
play_rate Required parameter The Animation Play Rate
slot_Type Required parameter Whether to play it on upper body or full body


Clears the Character Attack Animation list



Gets the Animations when Character uses it

β€” Returns of .

local ret = my_melee:GetAnimationsCharacterUse()


Gets the Base Damage

β€” Returns .

local ret = my_melee:GetBaseDamage()

See also SetBaseDamage.


Gets the Cooldown between usages

β€” Returns .

local ret = my_melee:GetCooldown()

See also SetCooldown.


Gets the Sound when Character uses it

β€” Returns .

local ret = my_melee:GetSoundUse()

See also SetSoundUse.


Sets the Base Damage

damage?The Base Damage value

See also GetBaseDamage.


Sets the cooldown between attacking

cooldown Required parameter No description provided

See also GetCooldown.


Sets the times when to start applying damage and when to end. During this time the collision of the melee will be enabled and the damage will be applied if it hits something

my_melee:SetDamageSettings(damage_start_time, damage_duration_time)
damage_start_time Required parameter The initial time to start applying damage
damage_duration_time Required parameter The duration time to stop applying damage


Sets the Sound when hitting something

Note: Surfaces Water and Flesh already have default sounds and must be explicitly set to override

my_melee:SetImpactSound(surface_type, asset_path, volume, pitch)
surface_type Required parameter The surface to apply the sound. Use SurfaceType.Default to be the default to all hits
asset_path Required parameter The Sound used when attacking
volume Required parameter No description provided
pitch Required parameter No description provided


Sets the Sound when attacking

asset_path Required parameter The Sound used when attacking

See also GetSoundUse.

πŸš€ Events​

Inherited Entity Events
Melee inherits from Base Entity Class, sharing it's events:
Base Entityscripting-reference/classes/base-classes/Entity
Triggered when a new Class is registered with the Inheriting System
Triggered when an Entity is destroyed
Triggered when an Entity is spawned/created
Triggered when an Entity has a value changed with :SetValue()
Inherited Actor Events
Melee inherits from Base Actor Class, sharing it's events:
Base Actorscripting-reference/classes/base-classes/Actor
Triggered when an Actor changes it's dimension
Inherited Pickable Events
Melee inherits from Base Pickable Class, sharing it's events:
Base Pickablescripting-reference/classes/base-classes/Pickable
When a Character drops this Pickable
When this Pickable hits something
Triggered when a Character interacts with this Pickable (i.e. tries to pick it up)
Triggered When a Character picks this up
Triggered when a Character presses the use button for this Pickable (i.e. clicks left mouse button with this equipped)
Triggered when a Character releases the use button for this Pickable (i.e. releases left mouse button with this equipped)
Triggered when the Character effectively attacks with this Melee


Triggered when the Character effectively attacks with this Melee
Melee.Subscribe("Attack", function(self, handler)
-- Attack was called
MeleeselfNo description provided
CharacterhandlerNo description provided