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Version: latest - a1.73.x โš–๏ธ

๐Ÿ€ Assets

Retrieve Assets Data from Asset Packs.

๐Ÿ—ฟStatic Class
This is a Static Class. Access it's methods directly with .. It's not possible to spawn new instances.
This static class can be accessed on both ๐ŸŸง Client and ๐ŸŸฆ Server side.
๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ’ปAPI Source
This page is auto-generated! The Functions, Properties and Events described here are defined in our GitHub's API Repository! Feel free to commit suggestions and changes to the source .json API files!

๐ŸŽ’ Examplesโ€‹

(Assets.Precache) Precaches a Static Mesh
Assets.Precache("my-asset-pack::SM_MyStaticMesh", AssetType.StaticMesh)

๐Ÿ—ฟ Static Functionsโ€‹

of Gets a list containing all Animation Assets Keys from an AssetPack
of Gets a list containing information about all loaded Asset Packs
Gets the file path of an asset
of Gets a list containing all Blueprints Assets Keys from an AssetPack
of Gets a list containing all Map Asset Keys from an AssetPack
of Gets a list containing all Materials Asset Keys from an AssetPack
of Gets a list containing all Other Assets Keys from an AssetPack
of Gets a list containing all Particle Assets Keys from an AssetPack
of Gets a list containing all Skeletal Mesh Asset Keys from an AssetPack
of Gets a list containing all Sound Assets Keys from an AssetPack
of Gets a list containing all Static Mesh Assets Keys from an AssetPack
Manually adds an Asset to be loaded during the Player's loading screen


Gets a list containing all Animation Assets Keys from an AssetPack

โ€” Returns of (array of tables containing all assets and it's metadata ).

local ret = Assets.GetAnimations(asset_pack_path)
asset_pack_path Required parameter The Asset Pack path to get the assets


Gets a list containing information about all loaded Asset Packs

โ€” Returns of ().

local ret = Assets.GetAssetPacks()


Gets the file path of an asset

โ€” Returns (The file path defined in the Assets.toml).

local ret = Assets.GetAssetPath(asset, asset_type)
asset Required parameter The asset reference in the format asset-pack::AssetKey
asset_type Required parameter The Asset Type


Gets a list containing all Blueprints Assets Keys from an AssetPack

โ€” Returns of (array of tables containing all assets and it's metadata ).

local ret = Assets.GetBlueprints(asset_pack_path)
asset_pack_path Required parameter The Asset Pack path to get the assets


Gets a list containing all Map Asset Keys from an AssetPack

โ€” Returns of (array of tables containing all assets and it's metadata ).

local ret = Assets.GetMaps(asset_pack_path)
asset_pack_path Required parameter The Asset Pack path to get the assets


Gets a list containing all Materials Asset Keys from an AssetPack

โ€” Returns of (array of tables containing all assets and it's metadata ).

local ret = Assets.GetMaterials(asset_pack_path)
asset_pack_path Required parameter The Asset Pack path to get the assets


Gets a list containing all Other Assets Keys from an AssetPack

โ€” Returns of (array of tables containing all assets and it's metadata ).

local ret = Assets.GetOthers(asset_pack_path)
asset_pack_path Required parameter The Asset Pack path to get the assets


Gets a list containing all Particle Assets Keys from an AssetPack

โ€” Returns of (array of tables containing all assets and it's metadata ).

local ret = Assets.GetParticles(asset_pack_path)
asset_pack_path Required parameter The Asset Pack path to get the assets


Gets a list containing all Skeletal Mesh Asset Keys from an AssetPack

โ€” Returns of (array of tables containing all assets and it's metadata ).

local ret = Assets.GetSkeletalMeshes(asset_pack_path)
asset_pack_path Required parameter The Asset Pack path to get the assets


Gets a list containing all Sound Assets Keys from an AssetPack

โ€” Returns of (array of tables containing all assets and it's metadata ).

local ret = Assets.GetSounds(asset_pack_path)
asset_pack_path Required parameter The Asset Pack path to get the assets


Gets a list containing all Static Mesh Assets Keys from an AssetPack

โ€” Returns of (array of tables containing all assets and it's metadata ).

local ret = Assets.GetStaticMeshes(asset_pack_path)
asset_pack_path Required parameter The Asset Pack path to get the assets


Manually adds an Asset to be loaded during the Player's loading screen

Assets.Precache(asset_path, asset_type)
asset_path Required parameter The Asset Key
asset_type Required parameter The Asset Type
Assets.Precache Examples
Precaches a Static Mesh
Assets.Precache("my-asset-pack::SM_MyStaticMesh", AssetType.StaticMesh)