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Version: latest - a1.73.x βš–οΈ

πŸ‘‹ Welcome

Welcome to the new nanos world Official Documentation!

Welcome to the nanos world Official Documentation! A compilation of technical documentation written by nanos and you! Get started by reading through the introductory pages, or navigate to a specific page by using the search box.


πŸ’Ή This docs is constantly improving and growing. We count on your help giving us feedback and even adding new pages or information on it 😁!

πŸ’‘ You are allowed and encouraged to edit this and the other pages of this docs, please refer to Contributing to the Docs for more information on how to collaborate!


πŸ’‘ We have a centralized space for reporting BUGs and Suggest new Ideas. nanos world is a feedback-driven game, all your suggestions are listened and deeply internally discussed!

Becoming a Tester​

If you desire to become a Closed Tester and get anticipated access to the game, please check this page:

πŸ§ͺ Sign Up for Alpha Testingsigning-up-alpha

Starting out​

Start now creating content for nanos world! We prepared a very special and detailed Essentials Concepts Guide to help you start your journey scripting and modding in nanos world! Start from here:

πŸ“Œ Essential Conceptsgetting-started/essential-concepts

Wishlist on Steam​

Your help is immeasurable! Don't forget to add nanos world to your Wishlist to help promoting the game!

Buy us a Coffee​

If you really like our work and want to support us, you can buy us a coffee! β˜•οΈ
