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Base Actor

An Actor is an object which can be spawned and destroyed through Lua.
Actors support 3D transformations such as translation (location), rotation, and scale.

An Actor is the base for several entities, and all those entities share the same Methods and Events described in this page.

🧑‍💻API Source
This page is auto-generated! The Functions, Properties and Events described here are defined in our GitHub's API Repository! Feel free to commit suggestions and changes to the source .json API files!
👪Base Class
This is a Base Class. Base Classes are abstract definitions used to share common methods and events between related child classes, thus you cannot spawn it directly.

Classes that share methods and events from this Base Class: Billboard, Blueprint, Cable, Character, CharacterSimple, Decal, Gizmo, Grenade, Light, Melee, Particle, Prop, SceneCapture, StaticMesh, Sound, TextRender, Trigger, VehicleWheeled, VehicleWater, Weapon, Widget3D.

🗿 Static Functions

This class doesn't have own static functions.

🦠 Functions


Some of the following methods may not work on certain Actor classes.

AddActorTagAdds an Unreal Actor Tag to this Actor
AddImpulseApplies a force in world world to this Actor
AttachToAttaches this Actor to any other Actor, optionally at a specific bone
DetachDetaches this Actor from AttachedTo Actor
table of stringGetActorTagsGets all Unreal Actor Tags on this Actor
table of Base ActorGetAttachedEntitiesGets all Actors attached to this Actor
Base Actor or nilGetAttachedToGets the Actor this Actor is attached to
tableGetBoundsGets this Actor's bounds
CollisionTypeGetCollisionGets this Actor's collision type
integerGetDimensionGets this Actor's dimension
floatGetDistanceFromCameraGets the distance of this Actor from the Camera
VectorGetForceGets this Actor's force (set by SetForce())
VectorGetLocationGets this Actor's location in the game world
Player or nilGetNetworkAuthorityGets this Actor's Network Authority Player
VectorGetRelativeLocationGets this Actor's Relative Location if it's attached
RotatorGetRelativeRotationGets this Actor's Relative Rotation if it's attached
RotatorGetRotationGets this Actor's angle in the game world
VectorGetScaleGets this Actor's scale
floatGetScreenPercentageGets the percentage of this Actor size in the screen
VectorGetVelocityGets this Actor's current velocity
booleanHasAuthorityGets if this Actor was spawned by the client side
booleanHasNetworkAuthorityReturns true if the local Player is currently the Network Authority of this Actor
booleanIsBeingDestroyedReturns true if this Actor is being destroyed
booleanIsGravityEnabledReturns true if gravity is enabled on this Actor
booleanIsInWaterReturns true if this Actor is in water
booleanIsNetworkDistributedReturns true if this Actor is currently network distributed
booleanIsVisibleReturns true if this Actor is visible
RemoveActorTagRemoves an Unreal Actor Tag from this Actor
RotateToSmoothly rotates this actor to an angle over a certain time
SetCollisionSets this Actor's collision type
SetDimensionSets this Actor's Dimension
SetForceAdds a permanent force to this Actor, set to Vector(0, 0, 0) to cancel
SetGravityEnabledSets whether gravity is enabled on this Actor
SetHighlightEnabledSets whether the highlight is enabled on this Actor, and which highlight index to use
SetLifeSpanSets the time (in seconds) before this Actor is destroyed. After this time has passed, the actor will be automatically destroyed.
SetLocationSets this Actor's location in the game world
SetNetworkAuthoritySets the Player to have network authority over this Actor
SetNetworkAuthorityAutoDistributedSets if this Actor will auto distribute the network authority between players
SetOutlineEnabledSets whether the outline is enabled on this Actor, and which outline index to use
SetRelativeLocationSets this Actor's relative location in local space (only if this actor is attached)
SetRelativeRotationSets this Actor's relative rotation in local space (only if this actor is attached)
SetRotationSets this Actor's rotation in the game world
SetScaleSets this Actor's scale
SetVisibilitySets whether the actor is visible or not
TranslateToSmoothly moves this actor to a location over a certain time
booleanWasRecentlyRenderedGets if this Actor was recently rendered on screen


Adds an Unreal Actor Tag to this Actor

stringtag Required parameter No description provided

See also RemoveActorTag, GetActorTags.


Applies a force in world world to this Actor (the force is applied client side, by, in most cases, the player closest to this Actor)

my_actor:AddImpulse(force, velocity_change?)
Vectorforce Required parameter No description provided
booleanvelocity_change?falseWhether to ignore mass


Attaches this Actor to any other Actor, optionally at a specific bone

  • AttachmentRule.KeepRelative will keep the current relative position/rotation if already attached.
  • AttachmentRule.KeepWorld will calculate the new relative position/rotation so the Actor stays at the same position after being attached.
  • AttachmentRule.SnapToTarget will set the Actor to the same position/rotation as other_actor (or at the bone location) and reset its relative position/rotation to zero.

Setting lifespan_when_detached to 0 will automatically destroy this actor when detached, setting it to 10 will destroy this after 10 seconds when detached.

my_actor:AttachTo(other, attachment_rule?, bone_name?, lifespan_when_detached?, use_absolute_rotation?)
Base Actorother Required parameter Other actor to attach
AttachmentRuleattachment_rule?SnapToTargetHow to attach
stringbone_name?Which bone to attach to
floatlifespan_when_detached?-1Seconds before destroying this Actor when detached
booleanuse_absolute_rotation?falseWhether to force attached object to use absolute rotation (will not follow parent)


Detaches this Actor from AttachedTo Actor



Gets all Unreal Actor Tags on this Actor

— Returns table of string.

local ret = my_actor:GetActorTags()

See also AddActorTag, RemoveActorTag.


Gets all Actors attached to this Actor

— Returns table of Base Actor.

local ret = my_actor:GetAttachedEntities()


Gets the Actor this Actor is attached to

— Returns Base Actor or nil.

local ret = my_actor:GetAttachedTo()


Gets this Actor's bounds

— Returns table (with this format).

local ret = my_actor:GetBounds()


Gets this Actor's collision type

— Returns CollisionType.

local ret = my_actor:GetCollision()

See also SetCollision.


Gets this Actor's dimension

— Returns integer.

local ret = my_actor:GetDimension()

See also SetDimension, DimensionChange.


Gets the distance of this Actor from the Camera

— Returns float.

local ret = my_actor:GetDistanceFromCamera()


Gets this Actor's force (set by SetForce())

— Returns Vector.

local ret = my_actor:GetForce()

See also SetForce.


Gets this Actor's location in the game world

— Returns Vector.

local ret = my_actor:GetLocation()

See also SetLocation.


Gets this Actor's Network Authority Player

— Returns Player or nil.

local ret = my_actor:GetNetworkAuthority()

See also SetNetworkAuthority.


Gets this Actor's Relative Location if it's attached

— Returns Vector.

local ret = my_actor:GetRelativeLocation()

See also SetRelativeLocation.


Gets this Actor's Relative Rotation if it's attached

— Returns Rotator.

local ret = my_actor:GetRelativeRotation()

See also SetRelativeRotation.


Gets this Actor's angle in the game world

— Returns Rotator.

local ret = my_actor:GetRotation()

See also SetRotation.


Gets this Actor's scale

— Returns Vector.

local ret = my_actor:GetScale()

See also SetScale.


Gets the percentage of this Actor size in the screen

— Returns float.

local ret = my_actor:GetScreenPercentage()


Gets this Actor's current velocity

— Returns Vector.

local ret = my_actor:GetVelocity()


Gets if this Actor was spawned by the client side

— Returns boolean (false if it was spawned by the Server or true if it was spawned by the client).

local ret = my_actor:HasAuthority()


Returns true if the local Player is currently the Network Authority of this Actor

— Returns boolean.

local ret = my_actor:HasNetworkAuthority()


Returns true if this Actor is being destroyed.
You can check this inside events like Drop to see if a Pickable is being dropped because it's going to be destroyed

— Returns boolean.

local ret = my_actor:IsBeingDestroyed()


Returns true if gravity is enabled on this Actor

— Returns boolean.

local ret = my_actor:IsGravityEnabled()

See also SetGravityEnabled.


Returns true if this Actor is in water

— Returns boolean.

local ret = my_actor:IsInWater()


Returns true if this Actor is currently network distributed. Only actors being network distributed can have their network authority set
Entities have NetworkDistributed automatically disabled when: Attached, Possessed, Grabbed, Picked Up or Driving

— Returns boolean.

local ret = my_actor:IsNetworkDistributed()


Returns true if this Actor is visible

— Returns boolean.

local ret = my_actor:IsVisible()


Removes an Unreal Actor Tag from this Actor

stringtag Required parameter No description provided

See also AddActorTag, GetActorTags.


Smoothly rotates this actor to an angle over a certain time

my_actor:RotateTo(rotation, time, exp?)
Rotatorrotation Required parameter No description provided
floattime Required parameter Time to interpolate from current location to target location
floatexp?0Exponent used to smooth interpolation. Use 0 for linear movement


Sets this Actor's collision type

CollisionTypecollision_type Required parameter No description provided

See also GetCollision.


Sets this Actor's Dimension

integerdimension Required parameter No description provided

See also GetDimension, DimensionChange.


Adds a permanent force to this Actor, set to Vector(0, 0, 0) to cancel

my_actor:SetForce(force, is_local?)
Vectorforce Required parameter No description provided
booleanis_local?trueWhether to apply the force in local space

See also GetForce.


Sets whether gravity is enabled on this Actor

booleangravity_enabled Required parameter No description provided

See also IsGravityEnabled.


Sets whether the highlight is enabled on this Actor, and which highlight index to use. This will apply the hight on every attached entity too

my_actor:SetHighlightEnabled(is_enabled, index?)
booleanis_enabled Required parameter No description provided
integerindex?0Index to use (should be 0, 1 or 2)

See also Client.SetHighlightColor().


Sets the time (in seconds) before this Actor is destroyed. After this time has passed, the actor will be automatically destroyed.

floatseconds Required parameter Seconds before being destroyed


Sets this Actor's location in the game world

Vectorlocation Required parameter No description provided

See also GetLocation.


Sets the Player to have network authority over this Actor. This Player will be manually assigned to handle this Actor's physics and share its location with other clients. The authority assignment will still be overridden by the game automatically

Please refer to Network Authority for more information

Playerplayer?nilNew player which will assume the Network Authority of this Actor

See also GetNetworkAuthority.


Sets if this Actor will auto distribute the network authority between players when idle

Please refer to Network Authority for more information

booleanauto_distribute Required parameter If this Actor will be auto network distributed


Sets whether the outline is enabled on this Actor, and which outline index to use. This will apply the outline on every attached entity too

my_actor:SetOutlineEnabled(is_enabled, index?)
booleanis_enabled Required parameter No description provided
integerindex?0Index to use (should be 0, 1 or 2)

See also Client.SetOutlineColor().


Sets this Actor's relative location in local space (only if this actor is attached)

Vectorrelative_location Required parameter No description provided

See also GetRelativeLocation.


Sets this Actor's relative rotation in local space (only if this actor is attached)

Rotatorrelative_rotation Required parameter No description provided

See also GetRelativeRotation.


Sets this Actor's rotation in the game world

Rotatorrotation Required parameter No description provided

See also GetRotation.


Sets this Actor's scale

Vectorscale Required parameter No description provided

See also GetScale.


Sets whether the actor is visible or not

booleanis_visible Required parameter No description provided


Smoothly moves this actor to a location over a certain time

my_actor:TranslateTo(location, time, exp?)
Vectorlocation Required parameter No description provided
floattime Required parameter Time to interpolate from current location to target location
floatexp?0Exponent used to smooth interpolation. Use 0 for linear movement


Gets if this Actor was recently rendered on screen

— Returns boolean.

local ret = my_actor:WasRecentlyRendered()

🚀 Events

DimensionChangeTriggered when an Actor changes it's dimension


Triggered when an Actor changes it's dimension
Actor.Subscribe("DimensionChange", function(self, old_dimension, new_dimension)
-- DimensionChange was called
Base ActorselfNo description provided
integerold_dimensionNo description provided
integernew_dimensionNo description provided

See also SetDimension, GetDimension.