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Version: latest - a1.65.x ⚖️

🔊 Sound

Class for playing in-game 2D and 3D sounds.

This class can only be spawned on 🟧 Client side.
This class shares methods and events from Base Entity, Base Actor.
🧑‍💻API Source
This page is auto-generated! The Functions, Properties and Events described here are defined in our GitHub's API Repository! Feel free to commit suggestions and changes to the source .json API files!


You can also load raw .ogg files from disk! Please check SpecialPath.

🎒 Examples

local my_sound = Sound(
Vector(-510, 145, 63), -- Location (if a 3D sound)
"nanos-world::A_VR_Confirm", -- Asset Path
false, -- Is 2D Sound
true, -- Auto Destroy (if to destroy after finished playing)
1, -- Volume
1 -- Pitch
-- Spawning a ogg sound located in a Package
local ogg_sound = Sound(Vector(), "package://my-package/Client/awesome_beep.ogg", true)

🛠 Constructors


local my_sound = Sound(location, asset, is_2D_sound?, auto_destroy?, sound_type?, volume?, pitch?, inner_radius?, falloff_distance?, attenuation_function?, keep_playig_when_silent?, loop_mode?)
Vectorlocation Required parameter Only used if 3D sound
Sound Referenceasset Required parameter The Sound Asset to load
booleanis_2D_soundfalseWhether to spawn it as 2D or 3D
booleanauto_destroytrueWhether to destroy after finished playing
SoundTypesound_typeSoundType.SFXUsed to apply user's volume settings
floatvolume1No description provided
floatpitch1No description provided
floatinner_radius400Only used if 3D sound
floatfalloff_distance3600Only used if 3D sound
AttenuationFunctionattenuation_functionLinearOnly used if 3D sound
booleankeep_playig_when_silentfalseOnly used if 3D sound - Use with caution, it may cause performance issues!
SoundLoopModeloop_modeDefaultWhether should force sound to loop

auto_destroy means the Entity will be immediately destroyed after spawned, losing references to the Particle System spawned in-game. So if the Particle System itself loops indefinitely, it will keep playing until the Player reconnects.

🗿 Static Functions

Inherited Entity Static Functions
Sound inherits from Base Entity Class, sharing it's methods and functions:
Base Entityscripting-reference/classes/base-classes/Entity
table of Base EntityGetAllReturns a table containing all Entities of the class this is called on
Base EntityGetByIndexReturns a specific Entity of this class at an index
integerGetCountReturns how many Entities of this class exist
table of tableGetInheritedClassesGets a list of all directly inherited classes from this Class created with the Inheriting System
iteratorGetPairsReturns an iterator with all Entities of this class to be used with pairs()
table or nilGetParentClassGets the parent class if this Class was created with the Inheriting System
tableInheritInherits this class with the Inheriting System
booleanIsChildOfGets if this Class is child of another class if this Class was created with the Inheriting System
functionSubscribeSubscribes to an Event for all entities of this Class
functionSubscribeRemoteSubscribes to a custom event called from server
UnsubscribeUnsubscribes all callbacks from this Event in this Class within this Package, or only the callback passed
This class doesn't have own static functions.

🦠 Functions

Inherited Entity Functions
Sound inherits from Base Entity Class, sharing it's methods and functions:
Base Entityscripting-reference/classes/base-classes/Entity
BroadcastRemoteEventCalls a custom remote event directly on this entity to all Players
CallRemoteEventCalls a custom remote event directly on this entity to a specific Player
CallRemoteEventCalls a custom remote event directly on this entity
DestroyDestroys this Entity
table of stringGetAllValuesKeysGets a list of all values keys
tableGetClassGets the class of this entity
integerGetIDGets the universal network ID of this Entity (same on both client and server)
anyGetValueGets a Value stored on this Entity at the given key
booleanIsARecursively checks if this entity is inherited from a Class
booleanIsValidReturns true if this Entity is valid (i.e. wasn't destroyed and points to a valid Entity)
SetValueSets a Value in this Entity
functionSubscribeSubscribes to an Event on this specific entity
functionSubscribeRemoteSubscribes to a custom event called from server on this specific entity
UnsubscribeUnsubscribes all callbacks from this Event in this Entity within this Package, or only the callback passed
Inherited Actor Functions
Sound inherits from Base Actor Class, sharing it's methods and functions:
Base Actorscripting-reference/classes/base-classes/Actor
AddActorTagAdds an Unreal Actor Tag to this Actor
AddImpulseApplies a force in world world to this Actor
AttachToAttaches this Actor to any other Actor, optionally at a specific bone
DetachDetaches this Actor from AttachedTo Actor
table of stringGetActorTagsGets all Unreal Actor Tags on this Actor
table of Base ActorGetAttachedEntitiesGets all Actors attached to this Actor
Base Actor or nilGetAttachedToGets the Actor this Actor is attached to
tableGetBoundsGets this Actor's bounds
CollisionTypeGetCollisionGets this Actor's collision type
integerGetDimensionGets this Actor's dimension
floatGetDistanceFromCameraGets the distance of this Actor from the Camera
VectorGetForceGets this Actor's force (set by SetForce())
VectorGetLocationGets this Actor's location in the game world
Player or nilGetNetworkAuthorityGets this Actor's Network Authority Player
VectorGetRelativeLocationGets this Actor's Relative Location if it's attached
RotatorGetRelativeRotationGets this Actor's Relative Rotation if it's attached
RotatorGetRotationGets this Actor's angle in the game world
VectorGetScaleGets this Actor's scale
floatGetScreenPercentageGets the percentage of this Actor size in the screen
VectorGetVelocityGets this Actor's current velocity
booleanHasAuthorityGets if this Actor was spawned by the client side
booleanHasNetworkAuthorityReturns true if the local Player is currently the Network Authority of this Actor
booleanIsBeingDestroyedReturns true if this Actor is being destroyed
booleanIsGravityEnabledReturns true if gravity is enabled on this Actor
booleanIsInWaterReturns true if this Actor is in water
booleanIsNetworkDistributedReturns true if this Actor is currently network distributed
booleanIsVisibleReturns true if this Actor is visible
RemoveActorTagRemoves an Unreal Actor Tag from this Actor
RotateToSmoothly rotates this actor to an angle over a certain time
SetCollisionSets this Actor's collision type
SetDimensionSets this Actor's Dimension
SetForceAdds a permanent force to this Actor, set to Vector(0, 0, 0) to cancel
SetGravityEnabledSets whether gravity is enabled on this Actor
SetHighlightEnabledSets whether the highlight is enabled on this Actor, and which highlight index to use
SetLifeSpanSets the time (in seconds) before this Actor is destroyed. After this time has passed, the actor will be automatically destroyed.
SetLocationSets this Actor's location in the game world
SetNetworkAuthoritySets the Player to have network authority over this Actor
SetNetworkAuthorityAutoDistributedSets if this Actor will auto distribute the network authority between players
SetOutlineEnabledSets whether the outline is enabled on this Actor, and which outline index to use
SetRelativeLocationSets this Actor's relative location in local space (only if this actor is attached)
SetRelativeRotationSets this Actor's relative rotation in local space (only if this actor is attached)
SetRotationSets this Actor's rotation in the game world
SetScaleSets this Actor's scale
SetVisibilitySets whether the actor is visible or not
TranslateToSmoothly moves this actor to a location over a certain time
booleanWasRecentlyRenderedGets if this Actor was recently rendered on screen
FadeInPlays the sound with a fade effect
FadeOutStops the sound with a fade effect
floatGetDurationGets the duration of the Sound
floatGetFalloffDistanceNo description provided
floatGetInnerRadiusNo description provided
floatGetLowPassFilterNo description provided
stringGetPathNo description provided
floatGetPitchNo description provided
floatGetSoundTypeNo description provided
floatGetVolumeNo description provided
booleanIs2DGets if the sound is 2D
booleanIsPlayingGets if the sound is playing
PlayStarts the sound
SetFalloffDistanceIf a 3D Sound, sets the distance which the sound is inaudible
SetInnerRadiusIf a 3D Sound, sets the distance within the volume is 100%
SetLowPassFilterSets lowpass filter frequency. Sets 0 to disable it.
SetPausedPauses the sound
SetPitchSets the Sound's pitch
SetVolumeSets the Sound's volume
StopStops the sound
StopDelayedStops the sound after the provided delay


Plays the sound with a fade effect

my_sound:FadeIn(fade_in_duration, fade_volume_level?, start_time?)
floatfade_in_duration Required parameter No description provided
floatfade_volume_level?1No description provided
floatstart_time?0No description provided


Stops the sound with a fade effect

my_sound:FadeOut(fade_out_duration, fade_volume_level?, destroy_after_fadeout?)
floatfade_out_duration Required parameter No description provided
floatfade_volume_level?0No description provided
booleandestroy_after_fadeout?falseNo description provided


Gets the duration of the Sound

— Returns float.

local ret = my_sound:GetDuration()


— Returns float.

local ret = my_sound:GetFalloffDistance()

See also SetFalloffDistance.


— Returns float.

local ret = my_sound:GetInnerRadius()

See also SetInnerRadius.


— Returns float.

local ret = my_sound:GetLowPassFilter()

See also SetLowPassFilter.


— Returns string.

local ret = my_sound:GetPath()


— Returns float.

local ret = my_sound:GetPitch()

See also SetPitch.


— Returns float.

local ret = my_sound:GetSoundType()


— Returns float.

local ret = my_sound:GetVolume()

See also SetVolume.


Gets if the sound is 2D

— Returns boolean.

local ret = my_sound:Is2D()


Gets if the sound is playing

— Returns boolean.

local ret = my_sound:IsPlaying()


Starts the sound

floatstart_time?0No description provided


If a 3D Sound, sets the distance which the sound is inaudible

floatfalloff_distance Required parameter No description provided

See also GetFalloffDistance.


If a 3D Sound, sets the distance within the volume is 100%

floatinner_radius Required parameter No description provided

See also GetInnerRadius.


Sets lowpass filter frequency. Sets 0 to disable it.

floatfrequency Required parameter No description provided

See also GetLowPassFilter.


Pauses the sound

booleanpause?trueNo description provided


Sets the Sound's pitch

floatnew_pitch Required parameter No description provided

See also GetPitch.


Sets the Sound's volume

floatnew_volume Required parameter 0-1

See also GetVolume.


Stops the sound



Stops the sound after the provided delay

floatdelay Required parameter No description provided

🚀 Events

Inherited Entity Events
Sound inherits from Base Entity Class, sharing it's events:
Base Entityscripting-reference/classes/base-classes/Entity
ClassRegisterTriggered when a new Class is registered with the Inheriting System
DestroyTriggered when an Entity is destroyed
SpawnTriggered when an Entity is spawned/created
ValueChangeTriggered when an Entity has a value changed with :SetValue()
Inherited Actor Events
Sound inherits from Base Actor Class, sharing it's events:
Base Actorscripting-reference/classes/base-classes/Actor
DimensionChangeTriggered when an Actor changes it's dimension
This class doesn't have own events.

🔊 Sound Attenuation

This property defines the function that determines the rate of attenuation over distance. There are a number of different functions to choose from:

🔈 Linear

This is the default function. When using this function the volume will attenuate linearly and so the changes in volume are constant as the listener moves towards and away from the source. This function is good for crossfading between large background-type sounds that don't need tightly focussed 3D spatial falloff settings.

🔈 Logarithmic

When using this function the volume attenuates such that the changes in volume are greater at close distances, and lesser at far distances. This function is good for spot sounds that need good 3D positioning, while still being audible at reasonable distances.

🔈 Inverse

When using this function, the changes in volume are similar to that of the logarithmic curve, but are more exaggerated. This function is good for sounds that only need to be just audible at far distances, but that gets significantly louder as the listener gets quite close to the source.

🔈 Log Reverse

When using this function, the changes in volume are lesser at close distances, with more dramatic differences at far distances. This function is good for sounds that need to be loud across larger distances.

🔈 Natural Sound

This function attempts to model a more 'naturalistic' falloff behavior to produce behaviors that closer match reality. This function is a kind of 'middle ground' between the Logarithmic and Inverse functions.