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Version: latest - a1.65.x ⚖️

🖼️ Canvas

Canvas is an entity which you can draw onto it.

This class can only be spawned on 🟧 Client side.
🧑‍💻API Source
This page is auto-generated! The Functions, Properties and Events described here are defined in our GitHub's API Repository! Feel free to commit suggestions and changes to the source .json API files!

🎒 Examples

-- Spawns a Canvas
local my_canvas = Canvas(

-- Subscribes for Update, we can only Draw inside this event
my_canvas:Subscribe("Update", function(self, width, height)
-- Draws a Text in the middle of the screen
self:DrawText("Hello World!", Vector2D(width / 2, height / 2))

-- Draws a red line Horizontally
self:DrawLine(Vector2D(0, height / 2), Vector2D(width, height / 2), 10, Color.RED)

-- Forces the canvas to repaint, this will make it trigger the Update event

-- Applies the Canvas material into a Prop

You can use the output Texture from a Canvas with :SetMaterialFromCanvas() method!

🛠 Constructors

Default Constructor

local my_canvas = Canvas(is_visible?, clear_color?, auto_repaint_rate?, should_clear_before_update?, auto_resize?, width?, height?, screen_position?)
booleanis_visibletrueWhether to draw it on screen
Colorclear_colorColor.TRANSPARENTColor to clear with (background color)
floatauto_repaint_rate-1Rate to auto repaint (call Update event), pass 0 for every frame, -1 to disable
booleanshould_clear_before_updatetrueWhether to clear with Clear Color before updates
booleanauto_resizetrueAuto resize with screen's size
integerwidth0If not using auto_resize
integerheight0If not using auto_resize
Vector2Dscreen_positionVector2D(0, 0)If not using auto_resize, offset when drawing to screen

🗿 Static Functions

This class doesn't have own static functions.

🦠 Functions

ClearClear the Canvas with a specific Color
DrawBoxDraws an unfilled box on the Canvas
DrawLineDraws a line on the Canvas
DrawMaterialDraws a Material on the Canvas
DrawMaterialFromSceneCaptureDraws a SceneCapture on the Canvas
DrawMaterialFromWebUIDraws a WebUI on the Canvas
DrawPolygonDraws a N-Polygon on the Canvas
DrawRectDraws a filled Rect on the Canvas
DrawTextDraws a Text on the Canvas
DrawTextureDraws a Texture on the Canvas
Vector2DGetSizeGets the Canvas Size
RepaintForces the repaint
ResizeResizes the Canvas if not using auto_resize
SetAutoRepaintRateSets the repaint rate
SetAutoResizeSets if the canvas should auto resize to screen size
SetScreenPositionSets the Canvas Screen Position offset
SetVisibilitySets if it's visible on screen


Clear the Canvas with a specific Color

Colorclear_color Required parameter No description provided


Draws an unfilled box on the Canvas

This method can only be called from inside Update event

my_canvas:DrawBox(screen_position, screen_size, thickness, render_color?, blend_mode?)
Vector2Dscreen_position Required parameter No description provided
Vector2Dscreen_size Required parameter No description provided
floatthickness Required parameter No description provided
Colorrender_color?Color.WHITENo description provided
BlendModeblend_mode?BlendMode.OpaqueNo description provided


Draws a line on the Canvas

This method can only be called from inside Update event

my_canvas:DrawLine(screen_position_a, screen_position_b, thickness, render_color, blend_mode?)
Vector2Dscreen_position_a Required parameter No description provided
Vector2Dscreen_position_b Required parameter No description provided
floatthickness Required parameter No description provided
Colorrender_color Required parameter No description provided
BlendModeblend_mode?BlendMode.OpaqueNo description provided


Draws a Material on the Canvas

This method can only be called from inside Update event

Note: Due how Unreal handles Render Targets, drawing material on Canvas result on a weird translucent effect. Hope in the future to be improved.

my_canvas:DrawMaterial(material_path, screen_position, screen_size, coordinate_position, coordinate_size?, rotation?, pivot_point?, blend_mode?)
Material Referencematerial_path Required parameter No description provided
Vector2Dscreen_position Required parameter No description provided
Vector2Dscreen_size Required parameter No description provided
Vector2Dcoordinate_position Required parameter No description provided
Vector2Dcoordinate_size?Vector2D(1, 1)No description provided
floatrotation?0No description provided
Vector2Dpivot_point?Vector2D(0.5, 0.5)No description provided
BlendModeblend_mode?BlendMode.OpaqueNo description provided


Draws a SceneCapture on the Canvas

This method can only be called from inside Update event

Note: Due how Unreal handles Render Targets, drawing material on Canvas result on a weird translucent effect. Hope in the future to be improved.

my_canvas:DrawMaterialFromSceneCapture(scenecapture_entity, screen_position, screen_size, coordinate_position, coordinate_size?, rotation?, pivot_point?, blend_mode?)
SceneCapturescenecapture_entity Required parameter No description provided
Vector2Dscreen_position Required parameter No description provided
Vector2Dscreen_size Required parameter No description provided
Vector2Dcoordinate_position Required parameter No description provided
Vector2Dcoordinate_size?Vector2D(1, 1)No description provided
floatrotation?0No description provided
Vector2Dpivot_point?Vector2D(0.5, 0.5)No description provided
BlendModeblend_mode?BlendMode.OpaqueNo description provided


Draws a WebUI on the Canvas

This method can only be called from inside Update event

Note: Due how Unreal handles Render Targets, drawing material on Canvas result on a weird translucent effect. Hope in the future to be improved.

my_canvas:DrawMaterialFromWebUI(webui_entity, screen_position, screen_size, coordinate_position, coordinate_size?, rotation?, pivot_point?, blend_mode?)
WebUIwebui_entity Required parameter No description provided
Vector2Dscreen_position Required parameter No description provided
Vector2Dscreen_size Required parameter No description provided
Vector2Dcoordinate_position Required parameter No description provided
Vector2Dcoordinate_size?Vector2D(1, 1)No description provided
floatrotation?0No description provided
Vector2Dpivot_point?Vector2D(0.5, 0.5)No description provided
BlendModeblend_mode?BlendMode.OpaqueNo description provided


Draws a N-Polygon on the Canvas

This method can only be called from inside Update event

my_canvas:DrawPolygon(texture_path, screen_position, radius?, number_of_sides?, render_color?, blend_mode?)
Image Pathtexture_path Required parameter Pass empty to use default white Texture
Vector2Dscreen_position Required parameter No description provided
Vector2Dradius?Vector2D(1, 1)No description provided
integernumber_of_sides?3No description provided
Colorrender_color?Color.WHITENo description provided
BlendModeblend_mode?BlendMode.OpaqueNo description provided


Draws a fille Rect on the Canvas

This method can only be called from inside Update event

my_canvas:DrawRect(texture_path, screen_position, screen_size, render_color?, blend_mode?)
Image Pathtexture_path Required parameter Pass empty to use default white Texture
Vector2Dscreen_position Required parameter No description provided
Vector2Dscreen_size Required parameter No description provided
Colorrender_color?Color.WHITENo description provided
BlendModeblend_mode?BlendMode.OpaqueNo description provided


Draws a Text on the Canvas

This method can only be called from inside Update event

Shadow and Outline won't work properly with Transparent clear_color

my_canvas:DrawText(text, screen_position, font_type?, font_size?, text_color?, kerning?, center_x?, center_y?, shadow_color?, shadow_offset?, outlined?, outline_color?)
stringtext Required parameter No description provided
Vector2Dscreen_position Required parameter No description provided
FontTypefont_type?FontType.RobotoNo description provided
integerfont_size?12No description provided
Colortext_color?Color.WHITENo description provided
floatkerning?0No description provided
booleancenter_x?falseNo description provided
booleancenter_y?falseNo description provided
Colorshadow_color?Color.TRANSPARENTNo description provided
Vector2Dshadow_offset?Vector2D(1, 1)No description provided
booleanoutlined?falseNo description provided
Coloroutline_color?Color.BLACKNo description provided


Draws a Texture on the Canvas

This method can only be called from inside Update event

my_canvas:DrawTexture(texture_path, screen_position, screen_size, coordinate_position, coordinate_size?, render_color?, blend_mode?, rotation?, pivot_point?)
Image Pathtexture_path Required parameter No description provided
Vector2Dscreen_position Required parameter No description provided
Vector2Dscreen_size Required parameter No description provided
Vector2Dcoordinate_position Required parameter No description provided
Vector2Dcoordinate_size?Vector2D(1, 1)No description provided
Colorrender_color?Color.WHITENo description provided
BlendModeblend_mode?BlendMode.OpaqueNo description provided
floatrotation?0No description provided
Vector2Dpivot_point?Vector2D(0.5, 0.5)No description provided


Gets the Canvas Size

— Returns Vector2D (the current size).

local ret = my_canvas:GetSize()


Forces the repaint, this will trigger Update event



Resizes the Canvas if not using auto_resize

my_canvas:Resize(width, height)
integerwidth Required parameter No description provided
integerheight Required parameter No description provided


Sets it to -1 to stop auto repainting or 0 to repaint every frame

booleanauto_repaint_rate Required parameter No description provided


Sets if the canvas should auto resize to screen size

booleanauto_resize Required parameter No description provided


Sets the Canvas Screen Position offset

Vector2Dscreen_position Required parameter No description provided


Sets if it's visible on screen

booleanvisible Required parameter No description provided

🚀 Events

UpdateCalled when the Canvas needs to be painted

You can only call :Draw...() methods from inside this event


Called when the Canvas needs to be painted

You can only call :Draw...() methods from inside this event
Canvas.Subscribe("Update", function(self, width, height)
-- Update was called
CanvasselfNo description provided
integerwidthNo description provided
integerheightNo description provided