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Version: latest - a1.65.x ⚖️

📐 Vector

A Vector composed of components (X, Y, Z) with floating point precision. Used mainly for entity position.

👐Open Source
This library implementation is Open Sourced on GitHub!
🧑‍💻API Source
This page is auto-generated! The Functions, Properties and Events described here are defined in our GitHub's API Repository! Feel free to commit suggestions and changes to the source .json API files!


Vectors are internally and automatically compressed, which reduces it's size in the network up to 90%. Some cool details:

  • Vectors parameters in Classes Methods are usually compressed with precision of 1 decimal place (with some exceptions which we need more precision).
  • Vectors passed in Remote Events are compressed with precision of 2 decimal places. If you need more precision, we recommend passing them as raw number instead.

🎒 Examples

local new_vector = Vector(1452.5, 512, 943.1)

🛠 Constructors

Default Constructor

local my_vector = Vector(X?, Y?, Z?)
numberX0X Coordinate
numberYXY Coordinate
numberZXZ Coordinate

🧽 Properties

numberXX Coordinate
numberYY Coordinate
numberZZ Coordinate

🦠 Functions


This structure supports +, -, *, /, ^, ==, and tostring operations.

booleanEqualsCheck against another vector for equality, within specified error limits
numberDistanceDistance between two points
numberDistanceSquaredSquared distance between two points
VectorGetUnsafeNormalCalculates normalized version of vector without checking for zero length
VectorGetSafeNormalGets a normalized copy of the vector, checking it is safe to do so based on the length
booleanIsNearlyZeroChecks whether vector is near to zero within a specified tolerance
booleanIsZeroChecks whether all components of the vector are exactly zero
booleanNormalizeNormalize this vector in-place if it is larger than a given tolerance. Leaves it unchanged if not
numberSizeGet the length (magnitude) of this vector
numberSizeSquaredGet the squared length of this vector
RotatorRotationReturns the orientation corresponding to the direction in which the vector points


Check if the vector is equal to another vector, within specified error limits

— Returns boolean (Are the vectors equal or not).

local ret = my_vector:Equals(other, tolerance?)
Vectorother Required parameter The vector to compare to
numbertolerance?0.000001The error limits


Returns the distance of 2 vectors

— Returns number (The distance betweem the vectors).

local ret = my_vector:Distance(other)
Vectorother Required parameter The vector to get the distance to


Return the squared distance of 2 vectors

— Returns number (The squared distance betweem the vectors).

local ret = my_vector:DistanceSquared(other)
Vectorother Required parameter The vector to get the squared distance to


Returns the normalized version of vector without checking for zero length

— Returns Vector (The unsafe normal).

local ret = my_vector:GetUnsafeNormal()


Returns a normalized copy of the vector, checking it is safe to do so based on the length

— Returns Vector (The safe normal).

local ret = my_vector:GetSafeNormal()


Checks whether vector is near to zero within a specified tolerance

— Returns boolean (If the bool is near to zero).

local ret = my_vector:IsNearlyZero(tolerance?)
numbertolerance?0.000001The error limits


Checks whether all components of the vector are exactly zero

— Returns boolean (If all components of the vector are exactly zero).

local ret = my_vector:IsZero()


Normalize this vector in-place if it is larger than a given tolerance. Leaves it unchanged if not

— Returns boolean (If the vector has been modified).

local ret = my_vector:Normalize()


Get the length (magnitude) of this vector

— Returns number (The lenght of the vector).

local ret = my_vector:Size()


Get the squared length of this vector

— Returns number (The squared length of the vector).

local ret = my_vector:SizeSquared()


Returns the orientation corresponding to the direction in which the vector points

— Returns Rotator (The orientation of the vector).

local ret = my_vector:Rotation()