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Version: latest - a1.65.x ⚖️


HTTP Requests Interface.

🗿Static Class
This is a Static Class. Access it's methods directly with .. It's not possible to spawn new instances.
This static class can be accessed on both 🟧 Client and 🟦 Server side.
🧑‍💻API Source
This page is auto-generated! The Functions, Properties and Events described here are defined in our GitHub's API Repository! Feel free to commit suggestions and changes to the source .json API files!

🎒 Examples

-- Makes an asynchronous HTTP Request
HTTP.RequestAsync("", "/", HTTPMethod.GET, "", "application/json", false, {}, function(status, data)
Console.Log(status) -- 200
Console.Log(data) -- "{"players_count":0,"server_name":"nanos world server"}"

-- TIP: You can parse it if it's a json return as well
local json_ret = JSON.parse(data)
-- Makes a synchronous HTTP Request
local ret = HTTP.Request("", "/", HTTPMethod.GET, "", "application/json", false, {})

Console.Log(ret.Status) -- 200
Console.Log(ret.Data) -- "{"players_count":0,"server_name":"nanos world server"}"

All requests are thread safe! 🥳 This means that callbacks are returned on the main thread!

🗿 Static Functions

tableRequestMakes a synchronous HTTP Request.

The request will be made synchronously and will freeze the server until it's done.
RequestAsyncMakes an asynchronous HTTP Request
SetConnectionTimeoutSets the global Connection Timeout in seconds
SetReadWriteTimeoutSets the global Read and Write Timeout in seconds


Makes a synchronous HTTP Request.

The request will be made synchronously and will freeze the server until it's done.

— Returns table (with this format).

local ret = HTTP.Request(uri, endpoint?, method?, data?, content_type?, compress?, headers?)
stringuri Required parameter The main URI (the base address)
stringendpoint?The endpoint
HTTPMethodmethod?HTTPMethod.GETThe HTTP Method to be used
stringcontent_type?application/jsonThe Content Type to be used
booleancompress?falseWhether or not to compress the content with gzip
tableheaders?{}The Headers to be used


Makes an asynchronous HTTP Request.

The request will be made asynchronously and returned safetly in the same thread in the callback provided when it's done.

Note: If a request is still running when unloading packages, the server will freeze until it's finished, then the package will unload.

HTTP.RequestAsync(uri, endpoint?, method?, data?, content_type?, compress?, headers?, callback?)
stringuri Required parameter The main URI (the base address)
stringendpoint?The endpoint
HTTPMethodmethod?HTTPMethod.GETThe HTTP Method to be used
stringcontent_type?application/jsonThe Content Type to be used
booleancompress?falseWhether or not to compress the content with gzip
tableheaders?{}The Headers to be used
functioncallback?nilThe result with this format


Sets the global Connection Timeout in seconds

integerconnection_timeout Required parameter The timeout in seconds


Sets the global Read and Write Timeout in seconds

integerread_write_timeout Required parameter The timeout in seconds

🚀 Events

This class doesn't have own events.