| | AddActorTag | Adds an Unreal Actor Tag to this Actor |
 | | AddImpulse | Applies a force in world world to this Actor |
 | | AttachTo | Attaches this Actor to any other Actor, optionally at a specific bone |
 | | Detach | Detaches this Actor from AttachedTo Actor |
 | table of string | GetActorTags | Gets all Unreal Actor Tags on this Actor |
 | table of Base Actor | GetAttachedEntities | Gets all Actors attached to this Actor |
 | Base Actor or nil | GetAttachedTo | Gets the Actor this Actor is attached to |
 | table | GetBounds | Gets this Actor's bounds |
 | CollisionType | GetCollision | Gets this Actor's collision type |
 | integer | GetDimension | Gets this Actor's dimension |
 | float | GetDistanceFromCamera | Gets the distance of this Actor from the Camera |
 | Vector | GetForce | Gets this Actor's force (set by SetForce() ) |
 | Vector | GetLocation | Gets this Actor's location in the game world |
 | Player or nil | GetNetworkAuthority | Gets this Actor's Network Authority Player |
 | Vector | GetRelativeLocation | Gets this Actor's Relative Location if it's attached |
 | Rotator | GetRelativeRotation | Gets this Actor's Relative Rotation if it's attached |
 | Rotator | GetRotation | Gets this Actor's angle in the game world |
 | Vector | GetScale | Gets this Actor's scale |
 | float | GetScreenPercentage | Gets the percentage of this Actor size in the screen |
 | table | GetSocketTransform | Gets a Socket Transform in world space given a bone or socket name |
 | Vector | GetVelocity | Gets this Actor's current velocity |
 | boolean | HasAuthority | Gets if this Actor was spawned by the client side |
 | boolean | HasNetworkAuthority | Returns true if the local Player is currently the Network Authority of this Actor |
 | boolean | IsBeingDestroyed | Returns true if this Actor is being destroyed |
 | boolean | IsGravityEnabled | Returns true if gravity is enabled on this Actor |
 | boolean | IsInWater | Returns true if this Actor is in water |
 | boolean | IsNetworkDistributed | Returns true if this Actor is currently network distributed |
 | boolean | IsVisible | Returns true if this Actor is visible |
 | | RemoveActorTag | Removes an Unreal Actor Tag from this Actor |
 | | RotateTo | Smoothly rotates this actor to an angle over a certain time |
 | | SetCollision | Sets this Actor's collision type |
 | | SetDimension | Sets this Actor's Dimension |
 | | SetForce | Adds a permanent force to this Actor, set to Vector(0, 0, 0) to cancel |
 | | SetGravityEnabled | Sets whether gravity is enabled on this Actor |
 | | SetHighlightEnabled | Sets whether the highlight is enabled on this Actor, and which highlight index to use |
 | | SetLifeSpan | Sets the time (in seconds) before this Actor is destroyed. After this time has passed, the actor will be automatically destroyed. |
 | | SetLocation | Sets this Actor's location in the game world |
 | | SetNetworkAuthority | Sets the Player to have network authority over this Actor |
 | | SetNetworkAuthorityAutoDistributed | Sets if this Actor will auto distribute the network authority between players |
 | | SetOutlineEnabled | Sets whether the outline is enabled on this Actor, and which outline index to use |
 | | SetRelativeLocation | Sets this Actor's relative location in local space (only if this actor is attached) |
 | | SetRelativeRotation | Sets this Actor's relative rotation in local space (only if this actor is attached) |
 | | SetRotation | Sets this Actor's rotation in the game world |
 | | SetScale | Sets this Actor's scale |
 | | SetVisibility | Sets whether the actor is visible or not |
 | | TranslateTo | Smoothly moves this actor to a location over a certain time |
 | boolean | WasRecentlyRendered | Gets if this Actor was recently rendered on screen |