Game-Modes & Packages
List of quality Game-Modes and Packages for nanos world!
Official Resourcesβ
List of some Packages & Game-Modes officially created and maintained by nanos team!

Game-mode inspired by Garry's Mod, features Spawn Menu, Tool Guns, NPCs and several funny custom entities

Deathmatch PVP game-mode inspired by CS:GO and Unreal Tournament, Ranking, Scoreboard and Power-Ups

Special PVP game-mode inspired by Dead by Daylight, fight for your life to find the exit against the Horsemen
Packages & Librariesβ

Default Vehicles
Default Vehicle Pack included in the game, ready to use

Default Weapons
Default Weapon Pack included in the game, ready to use

Official Community Lua Library
All definition of our basic structs (Vector, Rotator), math and helper methods
Awesome Community Resourcesβ
A curated list of some Packages & Game-Modes created by the community!
The resources created by the community are the sole responsibility of their creators and maintainers.

Game-mode Inspired by COD:Zombies by Voltaism

Throw bottles to your enemies by Voltaism

Game-mode of deception and murder, based off of Murder in the Dark by Timmy
Packages & Librariesβ

Battlefield Kill UI
Battlefield-like Kill and Feed UI by SyedMuhammad

A library to spawn dynamic and usable WebUIs in the 3D world by Timmy

A framework to make User Interfaces with Widgets by NegativeName

UI Framework
A powerful UI framework ported by Voltaism

Framework for creating User Interfaces by MegaThorx

Discord Package
Discord Webhook integration by SyedMuhammad

Powerful Lua Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) library by Timmy