Instead of passing numbers to methods or comparing numbers in Events callbacks, you can use the following Enums to do so. Examples:
-- Using Enums to figure out which StanceMode the Character is
Character.Subscribe("StanceModeChange", function(character, old_stance, new_stance)
if (new_stance == StanceMode.Standing) then
Console.Log("I'm Standing!")
else if (new_stance == StanceMode.Crouching) then
Console.Log("I'm Crouching!")
-- Using Enums to pass a Light Type to the constructor
local my_light = Light(Vector(-5, 0, 50), Rotator(), Color.RED, LightType.Point)
-- Using Enums to set the Character View Mode
The functions which use the Enums are still receiving numbers as parameters (as always), using Enums is just a facilitator.
All Enums
Used by Characters to change the Aiming Mode while holding Weapons
Used by Character.GetWeaponAimMode, Character.SetWeaponAimMode, Character WeaponAimModeChange Event, Character WeaponAimModeChange Event.
Label | Value | Description |
AimMode.None | 0 | |
AimMode.ADS | 1 | |
AimMode.ZoomedZoom | 2 | |
AimMode.Zoomed | 3 | |
AimMode.ZoomedFar | 4 |
Used by Character.PlayAnimation, Melee.AddAnimationCharacterUse.
Label | Value | Description |
AnimationSlotType.FullBody | 0 | |
AnimationSlotType.UpperBody | 1 |
Used by Assets.GetAssetPath, Assets.Precache.
Label | Value | Description |
AssetType.Map | 2 | |
AssetType.StaticMesh | 4 | |
AssetType.SkeletalMesh | 8 | |
AssetType.Sound | 16 | |
AssetType.Animation | 32 | |
AssetType.Particle | 64 | |
AssetType.Material | 128 | |
AssetType.Blueprint | 256 | |
AssetType.Other | 32768 |
Used by Actor.AttachTo.
Label | Value | Description |
AttachmentRule.KeepRelative | 0 | Will keep the current relative position/rotation if already attached. |
AttachmentRule.KeepWorld | 1 | Will calculate the new relative position/rotation so the Actor stays at the same position after being attached. |
AttachmentRule.SnapToTarget | 2 | Will set the Actor to the same position/rotation as the parent actor (or at the bone location) and reset its relative position/rotation to zero. |
Used by Sound Default Constructor, WebUI.SpawnSound.
Label | Value | Description |
AttenuationFunction.Linear | 0 | |
AttenuationFunction.Logarithmic | 1 | |
AttenuationFunction.Inverse | 2 | |
AttenuationFunction.LogReverse | 3 | |
AttenuationFunction.NaturalSound | 4 |
Used by Canvas.DrawBox, Canvas.DrawLine, Canvas.DrawMaterial, Canvas.DrawMaterialFromSceneCapture, Canvas.DrawMaterialFromWebUI, Canvas.DrawPolygon, Canvas.DrawRect, Canvas.DrawTexture.
Label | Value | Description |
BlendMode.Opaque | 0 | |
BlendMode.Masked | 1 | |
BlendMode.Translucent | 2 | |
BlendMode.Additive | 3 | |
BlendMode.Modulate | 4 | |
BlendMode.MaskedDistanceField | 5 | |
BlendMode.MaskedDistanceFieldShadowed | 6 | |
BlendMode.TranslucentDistanceField | 7 | |
BlendMode.TranslucentDistanceFieldShadowed | 8 | |
BlendMode.AlphaComposite | 9 | |
BlendMode.AlphaHoldout | 10 | |
BlendMode.AlphaBlend | 11 | |
BlendMode.TranslucentAlphaOnly | 12 | |
BlendMode.TranslucentAlphaOnlyWriteAlpha | 13 |
Used by Character.GetCameraMode, Character.SetCameraMode.
Label | Value | Description |
CameraMode.FPSTPS | 0 | |
CameraMode.FPSOnly | 1 | |
CameraMode.TPSOnly | 2 |
Used by Prop Default Constructor.
Label | Value | Description |
CCDMode.Auto | 0 | Automatically enables/disables depending on the Object size |
CCDMode.Disabled | 1 | Disables CCD |
CCDMode.Enabled | 2 | Enables CCD |
Used by Trace.BoxMulti, Trace.BoxSingle, Trace.CapsuleMulti, Trace.CapsuleSingle, Trace.LineMulti, Trace.LineSingle, Trace.SphereMulti, Trace.SphereSingle.
Label | Value | Description |
CollisionChannel.WorldStatic | 1 << 0 | WorldStatic Object Types |
CollisionChannel.WorldDynamic | 1 << 1 | WorldDynamic Object Types |
CollisionChannel.Pawn | 1 << 2 | Capsules (usually from Characters) |
CollisionChannel.PhysicsBody | 1 << 5 | Pickables and Props Meshes |
CollisionChannel.Mesh | 1 << 17 | Character Mesh |
CollisionChannel.Water | 1 << 19 | Water Body |
CollisionChannel.Foliage | 1 << 20 | Foliage Meshes |
CollisionChannel.Vehicle | 1 << 22 | Vehicles Meshes |
Used by Actor.GetCollision, Actor.SetCollision, Blueprint Default Constructor, Character Default Constructor, CharacterSimple Default Constructor, Grenade Default Constructor, Melee Default Constructor, Prop Default Constructor, StaticMesh Default Constructor, VehicleWheeled Default Constructor, VehicleWater Default Constructor, Weapon Default Constructor.
Label | Value | Description |
CollisionType.Normal | 0 | Blocks All |
CollisionType.StaticOnly | 1 | Only Blocks Static objects |
CollisionType.NoCollision | 2 | Doesn't Block anything |
CollisionType.IgnoreOnlyPawn | 3 | Blocks everything but Pawns (Characters) |
CollisionType.Auto | 4 | Automatically selects - usually will be Normal. On Props it will switch between Normal and IgnoreOnlyPawn depending on the Prop size |
Used by Input.SetMouseCursor, Viewport.SetHardwareCursor.
Label | Value | Description |
CursorType.None | 0 | |
CursorType.Default | 1 | |
CursorType.TextEditBeam | 2 | |
CursorType.ResizeLeftRight | 3 | |
CursorType.ResizeUpDown | 4 | |
CursorType.ResizeSouthEast | 5 | |
CursorType.ResizeSouthWest | 6 | |
CursorType.CardinalCross | 7 | |
CursorType.Crosshairs | 8 | |
CursorType.Hand | 9 | |
CursorType.GrabHand | 10 | |
CursorType.GrabHandClosed | 11 | |
CursorType.SlashedCircle | 12 | |
CursorType.EyeDropper | 13 |
Used by Cable.SetAngularLimits, Cable.SetAngularLimits, Cable.SetAngularLimits, Cable.SetLinearLimits, Cable.SetLinearLimits, Cable.SetLinearLimits.
Label | Value | Description |
ConstraintMotion.Free | 0 | |
ConstraintMotion.Limited | 1 | |
ConstraintMotion.Locked | 2 |
Used by Damageable.ApplyDamage, Damageable Death Event, Damageable TakeDamage Event, Vehicle TakeDamage Event, Prop TakeDamage Event.
Label | Value | Description |
DamageType.Shot | 0 | |
DamageType.Explosion | 1 | |
DamageType.Punch | 2 | |
DamageType.Fall | 3 | |
DamageType.RunOverProp | 4 | |
DamageType.RunOverVehicle | 5 | |
DamageType.Melee | 6 | |
DamageType.Unknown | 7 |
Used by Database Default Constructor.
Label | Value | Description |
DatabaseEngine.SQLite | 0 | |
DatabaseEngine.MySQL | 1 | |
DatabaseEngine.PostgreSQL | 2 |
Used by Character.GetFallingMode, Character FallingModeChange Event, Character FallingModeChange Event.
Label | Value | Description |
FallingMode.None | 0 | |
FallingMode.Jumping | 1 | |
FallingMode.Climbing | 2 | |
FallingMode.Vaulting | 3 | |
FallingMode.Falling | 4 | |
FallingMode.HighFalling | 5 | |
FallingMode.Parachuting | 6 | |
FallingMode.SkyDiving | 7 |
Used by Canvas.DrawText, TextRender.SetFont, TextRender Default Constructor.
Label | Value | Description |
FontType.Roboto | 0 | |
FontType.GothicA1 | 1 | |
FontType.PoiretOne | 2 | |
FontType.Oswald | 3 | |
FontType.RobotoMono | 4 | |
FontType.OpenSans | 5 |
Used by Character.GetGaitMode, Character.SetGaitMode, Character GaitModeChange Event, Character GaitModeChange Event.
Label | Value | Description |
GaitMode.None | 0 | |
GaitMode.Walking | 1 | |
GaitMode.Sprinting | 2 |
Used by Gizmo.SetTransformMode.
Label | Value | Description |
GizmoTransformMode.Translation | 0 | |
GizmoTransformMode.Rotation | 1 | |
GizmoTransformMode.Scale | 2 |
Used by Gizmo.SetAlignSpace.
Label | Value | Description |
GizmoAlignSpace.Local | 0 | |
GizmoAlignSpace.World | 1 |
Used by Prop.GetGrabMode, Prop.SetGrabMode, Prop Default Constructor.
Label | Value | Description |
GrabMode.Disabled | 0 | Disables grabbing |
GrabMode.Auto | 1 | Automatically enables/disables depending on the Prop size |
GrabMode.Enabled | 2 | Enables grabbing |
Used by Pickable.GetHandlingMode, Melee Default Constructor, Weapon.GetHandlingMode, Weapon.SetHandlingMode.
Label | Value | Description |
HandlingMode.SingleHandedWeapon | 0 | |
HandlingMode.DoubleHandedWeapon | 1 | |
HandlingMode.SingleHandedMelee | 2 | |
HandlingMode.DoubleHandedMelee | 3 | |
HandlingMode.Throwable | 4 | |
HandlingMode.Torch | 5 | |
HandlingMode.Barrel | 6 | |
HandlingMode.Box | 7 |
Used by Client.SetHighlightColor.
Label | Value | Description |
HighlightMode.Always | 0 | |
HighlightMode.OnlyHidden | 1 | |
HighlightMode.OnlyVisible | 2 |
HTTP defines a set of request methods to indicate the desired action to be performed for a given resource. Read more here.
Used by HTTP.Request, HTTP.RequestAsync.
Label | Value | Description |
HTTPMethod.GET | 0 | The GET method requests a representation of the specified resource. Requests using GET should only retrieve data. |
HTTPMethod.POST | 1 | The POST method submits an entity to the specified resource, often causing a change in state or side effects on the server. |
HTTPMethod.PUT | 2 | The PUT method replaces all current representations of the target resource with the request payload. |
HTTPMethod.HEAD | 3 | The HEAD method asks for a response identical to a GET request, but without the response body. |
HTTPMethod.DELETE | 4 | The DELETE method deletes the specified resource. |
HTTPMethod.PATCH | 5 | The PATCH method applies partial modifications to a resource. |
HTTPMethod.OPTIONS | 6 | The OPTIONS method describes the communication options for the target resource. |
Used by SceneCapture.EncodeToBase64, SceneCapture.EncodeToBase64Async.
Label | Value | Description |
ImageFormat.JPEG | 0 | |
ImageFormat.PNG | 1 | |
ImageFormat.BMP | 2 |
Used by Input.Bind, Input.InputKey, Input.Unbind.
Label | Value | Description |
InputEvent.Pressed | 0 | |
InputEvent.Released | 1 |
Used by Input.GetModifierKeys.
Label | Value | Description |
KeyModifier.None | 0 | |
KeyModifier.LeftShiftDown | 1 << 0 | |
KeyModifier.RightShiftDown | 1 << 1 | |
KeyModifier.LeftControlDown | 1 << 2 | |
KeyModifier.RightControlDown | 1 << 3 | |
KeyModifier.LeftAltDown | 1 << 4 | |
KeyModifier.RightAltDown | 1 << 5 | |
KeyModifier.LeftCommandDown | 1 << 6 | |
KeyModifier.RightCommandDown | 1 << 7 | |
KeyModifier.CapsLocked | 1 << 8 |
Used by Light.SetTextureLightProfile.
Label | Value | Description |
LightProfile.None | 0 | |
LightProfile.Arrow_Star | 1 | |
LightProfile.Arrow_Up | 2 | |
LightProfile.Beam_01 | 3 | |
LightProfile.Beam_02 | 4 | |
LightProfile.Beam_03 | 5 | |
LightProfile.Beam_04 | 6 | |
LightProfile.Beam_05 | 7 | |
LightProfile.Beam_06 | 8 | |
LightProfile.Beam_07 | 9 | |
LightProfile.Beam_08 | 10 | |
LightProfile.Beam_LED_01 | 11 | |
LightProfile.Beam_LED_02 | 12 | |
LightProfile.Beam_LED_03 | 13 | |
LightProfile.Beam_LED_04 | 14 | |
LightProfile.Beam_LED_05 | 15 | |
LightProfile.Beam_LED_06 | 16 | |
LightProfile.Beam_LED_07 | 17 | |
LightProfile.Bow | 18 | |
LightProfile.Capped_01 | 19 | |
LightProfile.Capped_02 | 20 | |
LightProfile.Shattered_01 | 21 | |
LightProfile.Shattered_02 | 22 | |
LightProfile.Shattered_03 | 23 | |
LightProfile.Shattered_04 | 24 | |
LightProfile.Shattered_05 | 25 | |
LightProfile.SpotLight_01 | 26 | |
LightProfile.SpotLight_02 | 27 | |
LightProfile.SpotLight_03 | 28 | |
LightProfile.SpotLight_04 | 29 | |
LightProfile.Spreadout_01 | 30 | |
LightProfile.Spreadout_02 | 31 | |
LightProfile.Spreadout_03 | 32 | |
LightProfile.Spreadout_04 | 33 | |
LightProfile.Star_Bow | 34 | |
LightProfile.Star_Burst_01 | 35 | |
LightProfile.Star_Burst_02 | 36 | |
LightProfile.Star_Burst_03 | 37 | |
LightProfile.Star_Burst_04 | 38 | |
LightProfile.Star_Burst_05 | 39 | |
LightProfile.Star_Burst_06 | 40 | |
LightProfile.Star_Burst_07 | 41 | |
LightProfile.Star_Burst_08 | 42 | |
LightProfile.Star_X_01 | 43 | |
LightProfile.Star_X_02 | 44 | |
LightProfile.Wall_Boomerang | 45 | |
LightProfile.Wall_Inverted_V | 46 | |
LightProfile.Wall_Star_T | 47 | |
LightProfile.Wing_6 | 48 | |
LightProfile.Wing_V_01 | 49 | |
LightProfile.Wing_V_02 | 50 |
Used by Console LogEntry Event.
Label | Value | Description |
LogType.Display | 0 | |
LogType.Warning | 1 | |
LogType.Error | 2 | |
LogType.Debug | 3 | |
LogType.Verbose | 4 | |
LogType.Scripting | 5 | |
LogType.ScriptingWarn | 6 | |
LogType.ScriptingError | 7 | |
LogType.Chat | 8 | |
LogType.WebUI | 9 | |
LogType.Success | 10 | |
LogType.Fatal | 11 |
Used by Light Default Constructor.
Label | Value | Description |
LightType.Point | 0 | |
LightType.Spot | 1 | |
LightType.React | 2 |
Used by Widget Native Widget Constructor.
Label | Value | Description |
NativeWidget.Border | 0 | |
NativeWidget.Button | 1 | |
NativeWidget.CheckBox | 2 | |
NativeWidget.Image | 3 | |
NativeWidget.ProgressBar | 4 | |
NativeWidget.RichTextBlock | 5 | |
NativeWidget.Slider | 6 | |
NativeWidget.Text | 7 | |
NativeWidget.ComboBox | 8 | |
NativeWidget.EditableText | 9 | |
NativeWidget.EditableTextMultiLine | 10 | |
NativeWidget.SpinBox | 11 | |
NativeWidget.TextBox | 12 | |
NativeWidget.TextBoxMultiLine | 13 | |
NativeWidget.CanvasPanel | 14 | |
NativeWidget.GridPanel | 15 | |
NativeWidget.HorizontalBox | 16 | |
NativeWidget.Overlay | 17 | |
NativeWidget.ScaleBox | 18 | |
NativeWidget.ScrollBox | 19 | |
NativeWidget.SizeBox | 20 | |
NativeWidget.UniformGridPanel | 21 | |
NativeWidget.VerticalBox | 22 | |
NativeWidget.WrapBox | 23 | |
NativeWidget.BackgroundBlur | 24 |
Used by Client.GetPackages, Server.GetPackages.
Label | Value | Description |
PackageType.Script | 0 | |
PackageType.GameMode | 1 | |
PackageType.LoadingScreen | 2 | |
PackageType.Map | 4 |
Used by Sky.SetSkyMode.
Label | Value | Description |
SkyMode.VolumetricClouds | 0 | Uses a 3D Volumetric Cloud layer |
SkyMode.StaticClouds | 1 | Designed to mimic the look of the volumetric clouds but as a static cloud texture. Much lower performance cost than volumetric clouds. |
SkyMode.DynamicClouds2D | 2 | Uses simple 2D dynamic clouds |
SkyMode.NoClouds | 3 | Disables all forms of dynamic clouds |
SkyMode.VolumetricAurora | 4 | Trades clouds for a full 3D volumetric aurora, much more convincing than the 2D effect. |
SkyMode.Space | 5 | Turns off all sky color, atmospheric scattering, clouds, etc. Specifically for environments which are set in outer space with no planet/ground beneath the camera. |
Used by Sound Default Constructor.
Label | Value | Description |
SoundType.SFX | 0 | |
SoundType.Music | 1 | |
SoundType.UI | 2 |
Used by Sound Default Constructor.
Label | Value | Description |
SoundLoopMode.Default | 0 | Default value defined in the asset |
SoundLoopMode.Forever | 1 | Overrides it to make it loop forever |
SoundLoopMode.Never | 2 | Overrides it to make it play once |
Used by Character.GetStanceMode, Character.SetStanceMode, Character StanceModeChange Event, Character StanceModeChange Event.
Label | Value | Description |
StanceMode.None | 0 | |
StanceMode.Standing | 1 | |
StanceMode.Crouching | 2 | |
StanceMode.Proning | 3 |
Used by VehicleWheeled.SetSteeringSetup.
Label | Value | Description |
SteeringType.SingleAngle | 0 | Both wheels steer by the same amount |
SteeringType.AngleRatio | 1 | Outer wheels on corner steer less than the inner ones by set ratio |
SteeringType.Ackermann | 2 | Ackermann steering principle is applied |
Used by Melee.SetImpactSound.
Label | Value | Description |
SurfaceType.Default | 0 | |
SurfaceType.Carpet | 1 | |
SurfaceType.Concrete | 2 | |
SurfaceType.Grass | 3 | |
SurfaceType.Gravel | 4 | |
SurfaceType.Ground | 5 | |
SurfaceType.MetalLight | 6 | |
SurfaceType.Plastic | 7 | |
SurfaceType.Sand | 8 | |
SurfaceType.Snow | 9 | |
SurfaceType.Water | 10 | |
SurfaceType.WoodLight | 11 | |
SurfaceType.Flesh | 12 | |
SurfaceType.MetalHeavy | 13 | |
SurfaceType.WoodHeavy | 14 | |
SurfaceType.Ice | 15 | |
SurfaceType.Mud | 16 | |
SurfaceType.Rock | 17 | |
SurfaceType.Thump | 18 | |
SurfaceType.Glass | 19 | |
SurfaceType.Rubber | 20 | |
SurfaceType.Air | 21 |
Used by Character.GetSwimmingMode, Character SwimmingModeChange Event, Character SwimmingModeChange Event.
Label | Value | Description |
SwimmingMode.None | 0 | |
SwimmingMode.Surface | 1 | |
SwimmingMode.Underwater | 2 |
Used by TextRender Default Constructor.
Label | Value | Description |
TextRenderAlignCamera.Unaligned | 0 | |
TextRenderAlignCamera.AlignCameraRotation | 1 | |
TextRenderAlignCamera.FaceCamera | 2 |
Used by TextRender.SetGlyphSettings.
Label | Value | Description |
TextRenderBevelType.Linear | 0 | |
TextRenderBevelType.HalfCircle | 1 | |
TextRenderBevelType.Convex | 2 | |
TextRenderBevelType.Concave | 3 | |
TextRenderBevelType.OneStep | 4 | |
TextRenderBevelType.TwoSteps | 5 | |
TextRenderBevelType.Engraved | 6 |
Used by TextRender.SetTextSettings.
Label | Value | Description |
TextRenderHorizontalAlignment.Left | 0 | |
TextRenderHorizontalAlignment.Center | 1 | |
TextRenderHorizontalAlignment.Right | 2 |
Used by TextRender.SetTextSettings.
Label | Value | Description |
TextRenderVerticalAlignment.Top | 0 | |
TextRenderVerticalAlignment.Center | 1 | |
TextRenderVerticalAlignment.Bottom | 2 | |
TextRenderVerticalAlignment.QuadTop | 3 |
Used by Trigger Default Constructor.
Label | Value | Description |
TriggerType.Sphere | 0 | |
TriggerType.Box | 1 |
Used by Trace.BoxMulti, Trace.BoxSingle, Trace.CapsuleMulti, Trace.CapsuleSingle, Trace.LineMulti, Trace.LineSingle, Trace.SphereMulti, Trace.SphereSingle.
Label | Value | Description |
TraceMode.DrawDebug | 1 << 0 | Whether to draw a 3D line representing the ray |
TraceMode.TraceComplex | 1 << 1 | Whether should trace against complex collision |
TraceMode.ReturnPhysicalMaterial | 1 << 2 | Whether want to include the physical material in the results (adds SurfaceType to result) |
TraceMode.ReturnEntity | 1 << 3 | Whether want to return the Entity hit (adds Entity to result) |
TraceMode.ReturnNames | 1 << 4 | Whether should return names (adds ActorName , ComponentName and BoneName to result) |
TraceMode.ReturnUV | 1 << 5 | Whether want to trace and return UV information (adds UV to result) |
Used by Character.GetViewMode, Character.SetViewMode, Character ViewModeChange Event, Character ViewModeChange Event.
Label | Value | Description |
ViewMode.FPS | 0 | |
ViewMode.TPS1 | 1 | |
ViewMode.TPS2 | 2 | |
ViewMode.TPS3 | 3 | |
ViewMode.TopDown | 4 |
Used by Player.GetVOIPSetting, Player.SetVOIPSetting.
Label | Value | Description |
VOIPSetting.Local | 0 | 3D Sound |
VOIPSetting.Global | 1 | 2D Sound |
VOIPSetting.Muted | 2 |
Used by Sky.ChangeWeather, Sky.GetWeather.
Label | Value | Description |
WeatherType.ClearSkies | 1 | |
WeatherType.Cloudy | 2 | |
WeatherType.Foggy | 3 | |
WeatherType.Overcast | 4 | |
WeatherType.PartlyCloudy | 5 | |
WeatherType.Rain | 6 | |
WeatherType.RainLight | 7 | |
WeatherType.RainThunderstorm | 8 | |
WeatherType.SandDustCalm | 9 | |
WeatherType.SandDustStorm | 10 | |
WeatherType.Snow | 11 | |
WeatherType.SnowBlizzard | 12 | |
WeatherType.SnowLight | 13 |
Used by WebUI.SendKeyEvent, WebUI.SendMouseClickEvent, WebUI.SendMouseMoveEvent.
Label | Value | Description |
WebUIModifier.None | 0 | |
WebUIModifier.CapsLockOn | 1 << 0 | |
WebUIModifier.ShiftDown | 1 << 1 | |
WebUIModifier.ControlDown | 1 << 2 | |
WebUIModifier.AltDown | 1 << 3 | |
WebUIModifier.LeftMouseButton | 1 << 4 | |
WebUIModifier.MiddleMouseButton | 1 << 5 | |
WebUIModifier.RightMouseButton | 1 << 6 | |
WebUIModifier.CommandDown | 1 << 7 | |
WebUIModifier.NumLockOn | 1 << 8 | |
WebUIModifier.IsKeyPad | 1 << 9 | |
WebUIModifier.IsLeft | 1 << 10 | |
WebUIModifier.IsRight | 1 << 11 | |
WebUIModifier.AltgrDown | 1 << 12 | |
WebUIModifier.IsRepeat | 1 << 13 |
Used by WebUI.SendKeyEvent.
Label | Value | Description |
WebUIKeyType.Down | 0 | |
WebUIKeyType.Up | 1 | |
WebUIKeyType.Char | 2 |
Used by WebUI.SendMouseClickEvent.
Label | Value | Description |
WebUIMouseType.Left | 0 | |
WebUIMouseType.Right | 1 | |
WebUIMouseType.Middle | 2 |
Used by WebUI.GetVisibility, WebUI.SetVisibility, WebUI Default Constructor, Widget.GetVisibility, Widget.SetVisibility.
Label | Value | Description |
WidgetVisibility.Hidden | 0 | |
WidgetVisibility.Visible | 1 | |
WidgetVisibility.VisibleNotHitTestable | 2 |
Used by Widget.SpawnWidget3D.
Label | Value | Description |
WidgetSpace.World | 0 | The widget is rendered in the world as mesh, it can be occluded like any other mesh in the world |
WidgetSpace.Screen | 1 | The widget is rendered in the screen, completely outside of the world, never occluded |