Mar: New Roadmap & Coffee!
New Roadmap & Coffee!
Welcome to our roundup of the latest updates from the last month!
New Roadmap!
Introducing... Our official new Roadmap page!
Roadmap Page
I'm proudly presenting our new Roadmap page to keep everyone updated on nanos world's future plans. This page also catalogs all past implemented features, serving as a great way to reflect on our progress!
The roadmap is divided into four sections:
- 🎯 Planned Must-Have Features: non-negotiable features required for the game's release
- 👍 Planned Should-Have Features: important additions that will improve the game but are not critical for launch
- 💭 Under Analysis Features: desirable features in review and not guaranteed to be worked on
- ✅ All Released Features: completed features that are already available in the game
You also can see more details by clicking on each feature:
Roadmap Feature Description
This is just the initial version, and it will continuously be updated with new planned and past features (for sure some were forgotten).
Again I invite everyone that has ideas for new features, please share them on our Feedback, as they are very likely to be included in our Roadmap!
🛣️ Features & Roadmap me a Ko-fi
Over the past years (+5), I've poured my passion and countless hours into developing nanos world. It's been a journey fueled by dedication and, admittedly, a fair amount of coffee!
Not sure if many of you know, but I'm really passionate about espresso coffee, and I'm that guy which use fancy tricks to brew my coffee as beautiful as possible, and I have all those unnecessary accessories from Aliexpress to make an espresso! 😅
Me brewing espresso coffee
So, if you enjoy nanos world and wish to support me and its ongoing development, I've set up a Ko-fi page, a website which you can buy me coffee - literally.
Contributions are entirely voluntary and come with no obligations, but deeply appreciated! You can buy me a ☕ coffee (or more) whenever you feel like it!
In addition to that, if you want to continuously contribute to my work, there are recurring membership options:
Ko-fi Membership Tiers
- ☕ Single Shot: A small recurring donation, like buying a single coffee per month.
- ⭐ Coffee Supplier: A bigger commitment to supporting me and nanos world, with a special Discord role as a token of appreciation!
Scripting Improvements
Although this month had a big focus on organizing our Roadmap, we also had some improvements in scripting!
PlayerConnect Event
Your requests were listened! This was indeed a common issue in the community, and we got a solution for you:
Previously, when a player attempted to connect, the server only received a basic connection event through PlayerConnect
. with the option to return false
to block them.
Now, we're introducing two new methods, that can be called from inside the PlayerConnect event:
to Kick a player by their account ID.Server.BanByAccountID()
to Ban a player by their account ID.
Those new methods can be used anywhere in your code, not just inside that event!
We are introducing a new method for both Client and Server: .IsPackageLoaded()
to retrieve if a package is currently loaded.
Merged Methods
We are getting some improvements on Pawn and Character methods:
The Character.GetBoneTransform() method is now deprecated in favor of the new Actor method Actor:GetSocketTransform()
This method is now available for all Base Actor classes that have a mesh (Character, CharacterSimple, Base Vehicle, Weapon, StaticMesh, Prop, etc)!
The method Pawn:GetCapsuleSize()
is moving to the Base Pawn entity, making it available for both Character and CharacterSimple in a more organized way!
Docs Improvements
The docs navbar was refined, transforming external links (Issues, Account, etc.) into icons and moving them to the right. Now, only internal navigation tabs remain on the left.
New Docs navbar
Our changelog page also has been improved! We've added a new Markdown renderer to properly format our changelog notes, making it much easier to read:
New Docs Changelog Markdown Renderer
📃 Changelog
This month was all about getting organized! I've put a big focus on the Roadmap, arranging all future goals and objectives for nanos world, also I had a little work collecting all the past updates and their timeline to create a cool feature history, although there are still things missing that will be added as they are remembered, just to keep it up to date.
I also launched the Ko-fi page as a simple and optional way for those who want to support the me and nanos world. It's a nice way to keep the motivation flowing while giving you, the community, another way to be involved!
There's also a lot happening behind the scenes, with new features being developed, tested, and refined. I'll be rolling out more exciting updates in future blog posts, so stay tuned! And as always, thanks a ton for all the support, you guys are amazing!