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Version: bleeding-edge 🩸

Lampe de poche pour arme

Ce code relie une lumière avec une arme afin de créer un accessoire "lampe torche".

# install the default-weapons package
./NanosWorldServer.exe --cli install package default-weapons
-- Loads the default-weapons (note: it's recommended to add it to your Package's packages_requirements instead)

-- Spawns a Weapon from default-weapons package
my_weapon = AR4(Vector(), Rotator())

-- Spawns a Spot Light (with color Black, to be turned on only when someone picks up it)
my_light = Light(Vector(), Rotator(), Color(0, 0, 0), 1, 1000, 1000, 35)

-- Attaches the Light to the Weapon with offset X = 100 (at the weapon's front)
my_light:SetRelativeLocation(Vector(100, 0, 0))

-- Stores the light on the Weapon
my_weapon:SetValue("Light", my_light)

-- Only when someone picks up this weapon, turns on the Flashlight (set it's color)
my_weapon:Subscribe("PickUp", function(weapon, character)
local light = my_weapon:GetValue("Light")
if (light ~= nil) then
light:SetColor(Color(0.73, 0.67, 0.42))

-- When the weapon is dropped, turns off the Flashlight (set it's color to black)
my_weapon:Subscribe("Drop", function(weapon, character)
local light = my_weapon:GetValue("Light")
if (light ~= nil) then
light:SetColor(Color(0, 0, 0))