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Version: latest - a1.65.x ⚖️

⏱️ Timer

Execute code at specified time intervals.

🗿Static Class
This is a Static Class. Access it's methods directly with .. It's not possible to spawn new instances.
This static class can be accessed on both 🟧 Client and 🟦 Server side.
🧑‍💻API Source
This page is auto-generated! The Functions, Properties and Events described here are defined in our GitHub's API Repository! Feel free to commit suggestions and changes to the source .json API files!


The shortest interval possible is equal to the local Tick Rate - usually at 33ms. On the Server this can vary depending on the Config.toml setting.

🎒 Examples

-- creates a Interval to call a function at every 2 seconds
local my_interval = Timer.SetInterval(function(param1, param2)
Console.Log("Triggered each 2 seconds! Param1: " .. param1 .. ". Param2: " .. param2)
end, 2000, "awesome param 1", 456)

-- cancels the Interval

-- creates a Timeout to call my_function in 5 seconds, once - passing a parameter
Console.Log("nanos " .. my_param)
end, 5000, "world")
(Timer.Bind) Binding a Timer to an Entity
local character = Character(Vector(), Rotator(), "nanos-world::SK_Male")

local my_timer = Timer.SetTimeout(function(_character)
-- Do something with _character
-- Ex: Destroy the character after 10 seconds
end, 10000, character)

-- Binds the Timer to the Character
-- This will ensure it will never trigger if the character is destroyed before it
-- With this you don't need to validate if the '_character' parameter is valid
Timer.Bind(my_timer, character)

🗿 Static Functions

BindBinds a Timer to any Actor. The timer will be automatically cleared when the Actor is destroyed
ClearIntervalStops the execution of the function specified in SetInterval()
ClearTimeoutStops the execution of the function specified in SetTimeout()
integerGetElapsedTimeReturns the time elapsed since the last tick
integerGetRemainingTimeReturns the time remaining to the next tick
booleanIsValidChecks if a Timer is currently active or waiting to be triggered
PausePauses the Timer
ResetElapsedTimeResets a Timer to restart from beginning
ResumeResumes the Timer
integerSetIntervalSame as SetTimeout(), but repeats the execution of the function continuously
integerSetTimeoutExecutes a function, after waiting a specified number of milliseconds


Binds a Timer to any Actor. The timer will be automatically cleared when the Actor is destroyed

Timer.Bind(timer_id, actor)
integertimer_id Required parameter The Timer ID
Base Actoractor Required parameter Actor to be bound
Timer.Bind Examples
Binding a Timer to an Entity
local character = Character(Vector(), Rotator(), "nanos-world::SK_Male")

local my_timer = Timer.SetTimeout(function(_character)
-- Do something with _character
-- Ex: Destroy the character after 10 seconds
end, 10000, character)

-- Binds the Timer to the Character
-- This will ensure it will never trigger if the character is destroyed before it
-- With this you don't need to validate if the '_character' parameter is valid
Timer.Bind(my_timer, character)


Stops the execution of the function specified in SetInterval()

integerinterval_id Required parameter The ID value returned by SetInterval() is used as the parameter for this method


Stops the execution of the function specified in SetTimeout()

integertimeout_id Required parameter The ID value returned by SetTimeout() is used as the parameter for this method


Returns the time elapsed since the last tick

— Returns integer.

local ret = Timer.GetElapsedTime(timer_id)
integertimer_id Required parameter The Timer ID


Returns the time remaining to the next tick

— Returns integer.

local ret = Timer.GetRemainingTime(timer_id)
integertimer_id Required parameter The Timer ID


Checks if a Timer is currently active or waiting to be triggered

— Returns boolean.

local ret = Timer.IsValid(timer_id)
integertimer_id Required parameter The Timer ID


Pauses the Timer

integertimer_id Required parameter The Timer ID


Resets a Timer to restart from beginning

integertimer_id Required parameter The Timer ID


Resumes the Timer

integertimer_id Required parameter The Timer ID


Same as SetTimeout(), but repeats the execution of the function continuously

— Returns integer (the interval_id).

local ret = Timer.SetInterval(callback, milliseconds?, parameters...?)
functioncallback Required parameter The callback that will be executed.
Return false to stop it from being called.
integermilliseconds?0The time in milliseconds the timer should delay in between executions of the specified function
anyparameters...?nilAdditional parameters to pass to the function


Executes a function, after waiting a specified number of milliseconds

— Returns integer (the timeout_id).

local ret = Timer.SetTimeout(callback, milliseconds?, parameters...?)
functioncallback Required parameter The callback that will be executed
integermilliseconds?0The time in milliseconds to wait before executing the function
anyparameters...?nilAdditional parameters to pass to the function

🚀 Events

This class doesn't have own events.