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Version: latest - a1.73.x ⚖️

🧪 Fürs Alpha Testing anmelden

How to subscribe to become a Tester.

We want you! nanos world is under heavy development since 2 years! Und endlich in der Alpha Phase angekommen! Das bedeutet, dass schon viel getan ist und es Zeit ist, die Grenzen zu testen!

Wir lieben unsere Tester! Wir betrachten Tester als einen fundamentalen Teil von nanos world. Die meisten unserer Funktionen und Fehlerbehebungen werden auf Grundlage deines Feedbacks ausgearbeitet! Aus diesem Grund wählen wir die Tester sorgfältig aus!

Wie werde ich Alpha-Tester?

Jeder kann sich registrieren! Wir suchen Leute, die begeistert sind von Sandbox-Spielen und bereit sind uns dabei zu helfen! Alle Meinungen zählen! Wir geben Leuten den Vorzug, die an der Erstellung von Inhalten, Skripten und dem Testen unserer API interessiert sind! Teile uns gerne deine Interessen mit! We heavily recommend getting in touch to us in our Discord! Active community members will much likely get the access earlier! Be sure to introduce yourself so we can get to know each other 😄!


Use the forms to tell us why you should become a tester and how you can contribute to the development of nanos world! Feel free to express your skills in other areas you have abilities and would like to contribute in other ways too!

How do I know I was selected?

Once selected, you will get notified by e-mail or through Discord (by SyedMuhammad or Falaxir)!


We weekly review the applications to become a tester. But we are not always able to respond as quickly as possible, all subscriptions are stored and never discarded. If you are an community active member, your chances are much better of being prioritized!

Can I re-apply ?

If you haven't been selected and you made your application at least 4 months ago, you can re-apply (with moderation). It will be an opportunity for you to fill more details, think of why you haven't been selected and what you could improve!

Don't forget that you can still modify your existing application!

Will I keep the game after the Testing Phase ends?

We want to be able to give back in some way to testers who actively contributed to the nanos world. So YES, we desire to to give away keys to the deserving testers after the testing phase is over!

Will there be any other opportunities to play the game ?

Yes, we will be able to organise more public playtest sessions where anyone can request an access to the game on our steam page!

Theses public playtest are limited in time and are organised during events such as Halloween!

Registering to become an Alpha Tester

In the bottom of our website there is a forms to input your e-mail and receive the link to subscribe:

nanos world Subscribe