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Version: bleeding-edge 🩸

🔢 Quat

Floating point Quaternion that can represent a rotation about an axis in 3-D space

🧑‍💻API Source
This page is auto-generated! The Functions, Properties and Events described here are defined in our GitHub's API Repository! Feel free to commit suggestions and changes to the source .json API files!

🎒 Examples

local nouveau_quaternion = Quat(0.5, 0.5, 1, -1)
local rotation = nouveau_quaternion:Rotator()

🛠 Constructors

Default Constructor

local my_quat = Quat(X?, Y?, Z?, W?)
numberX0The quaternion's X-component
numberYXThe quaternion's Y-component
numberZXThe quaternion's Z-component
numberWXThe quaternion's W-component

🧽 Properties

numberXThe quaternion's X-component
numberYThe quaternion's Y-component
numberZThe quaternion's Z-component
numberWThe quaternion's W-component

🦠 Functions


Cette structure supporte des opérations *, +, - et tostring.

NormalizeIn place normalize this Quaternion
RotatorRotatorGet the Rotator representation of this Quaternion
QuatInverseReturns the inverse of this Quaternion


In place normalize this Quaternion



Get the Rotator representation of this Quaternion

— Returns Rotator (Rotator representation of this Quaternion).

local ret = my_quat:Rotator()


Returns the inverse of this Quaternion

— Returns Quat (Inverse of this Quaternion).

local ret = my_quat:Inverse()