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Version: latest - a1.65.x βš–οΈ

Compatibility Versions

How to update your packages to the new Compatibility Versions

The Compatibility Version is meant to assure your packages will not break in future breaking changes updates.

It works by forcing that package to run code in a compatibility mode, meaning that breaking changes will keep working as the way it was before. Example:

Let's say you have this code running right now:

-- Make an asynchronous HTTP request
HTTP.Request("", "store/v1/packages/halloween", "GET", "", "application/json", false, {}, function(status, data)
-- Do something with my data

And then, in the hypothetical update 9.99 the API changes and make HTTP.RequestSync to become HTTP.Request and HTTP.Request to become HTTP.RequestAsync. I.e. you need to update your code to use HTTP.RequestAsync now, this is a breaking change as the new functions uses the same name as before.

With compatibility version, your scripts can keep working as it was before this update, as your compatibility_version in your Package.toml will still be set to the older version (i.e. 9.98, lower than the last version 9.99 which changed it).


The Compatibility Mode is a feature that aims to keep old and unmaintained packages/game-modes to keep working for a longer time. But from time to time all the deprecated compatibility modes will be removed from the codebase. So always keep your packages up-to-date!

All Updates​

To use the following features, you must update your Package's compatibility_version setting in the Package.toml to at least that version (exact that version or bigger).

Version 1.65​


Events.Unsubscribe now only unsubscribes to local events (ones subscribed with Events.Subscribe). If you want to unsubscribe to remote events (ones subscribed as Events.SubscribeRemote), please use Events.UnsubscribeRemote()

In compatibility mode (i.e. setting it to 1.64 or below) Events.Unsubscribe still unsubscribes for both Local and Remote events.

Version 1.55​


Before, any Assets.GetX() method returned an array of strings. Now it returns an array of tables, containing at least the key field on it. See more about this change in the Assets Meta Data page.

for _, asset in pairs(Assets.GetStaticMeshes("nanos-world")) do
local key = asset
for _, asset in pairs(Assets.GetStaticMeshes("nanos-world")) do
local key = asset.key
local my_meta_data = asset.my_meta_data
local my_random_value = asset.my_random_value

Version 1.54​


Before, Level.CallLevelBlueprintEvent() expected a string with the function name and parameters concatenated together separated by spaces. Now it uses the new approach of receiving a variadic amount of parameters and also returns the function return value.


Before, Client.GetPackages() returned all packages that the server was running on client side. Now it behaves exactly like Server.GetPackages(), having a filter as parameter and providing more information on return.

Version 1.49​


Before, Package.GetName() was returning the title defined in Package.toml. Now it is standardized and it returns the Path of the Package (the real Name of it). Also Package.GetPath() was deprecated in favor of Package.GetName().


Before, Server.GetMap() was returning the map asset defined in Config.toml. Now as we can load Map Packages, it will start returning the Map Package name instead. In compatibility mode it will still return the Map Asset. If you want to still keep retrieving the Map asset, please use the new method Server.GetMapAsset() instead.


Before, Package.GetPackages(only_loaded) returned a list of strings containing all the package names. Now it has a new parameter (package_type_filter) and returns a list of table with the Packages information:

local packages = Package.GetPackages(only_loaded, package_type_filter)
["title"] = "Awesome Package",
["name"] = "awesome-package",
["type"] = PackageType.Script,
["version"] = "1.0.0",
["author"] = "Myself",

Version 1.33​

Input.GetScriptingKeyBindings() and Input.GetGameKeyBindings()​

Before those methods returned a table in the format (example):

-- KeyBinding = Key
"Jump" = "Spacebar",
"Crouch" = "Control",
"Fire" = "LeftMouse",

Now it returns in the format (example):

-- KeyBinding = { Key, Key, ... }
"Jump" = { "Spacebar", "O" },
"Crouch" = { "Control" },
"Fire" = { "LeftMouse", "Return" },

Version 1.29​


Before HTTP.Select was an async method, and since 1.29 it works as a Sync method, not having the callback parameter anymore.


Before Database:Execute was an async method, and since 1.29 it works as a Sync method, not having the callback parameter anymore.

Version 1.22​

In version 1.22 we introduced the concept of Compatibility Version. Besides that, we've got just one breaking change:


Events.Subscribe now only subscribes to local events (ones called as Events.Call). If you want to subscribe to remote events (ones called as Events.CallRemote or Events.BroadcastRemote), please use Events.SubscribeRemote.

In compatibility mode (i.e. setting it to 1.21 or below) Events.Subscribe still subscribes for both Local and Remote events.