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Communication entre Packages

Tout ce que vous avez besoin de savoir pour communiquer entre différents Packages

In nanos world there are 2 main ways which you can interact with other Packages. Dans cette page, nous vous expliquerons en détail comment faire.

Événements personnalisés

Communiquer avec les Packages du même côté

Custom Events are the easier way to send or receive generic data or information to other packages:

local my_parameter1 = 123
local my_parameter2 = "hello there"
local my_parameter3 = { important_stuff = "omg!" }

Events.Call("MyAwesomeEvent", my_parameter1, my_parameter2, my_parameter3)
Events.Subscribe("MyAwesomeEvent", function(parameter1, parameter2, parameter3)
Console.Log("Received " .. parameter1) -- Received 123
Console.Log("Received " .. parameter2) -- Received hello there
Console.Log("Received " .. parameter3) -- Reçu: tableau

Envoi de données via le réseau

Sending information through the network is not different from sending in the same side:

local my_parameter1 = "cool data from network"

-- Envoyez cet événement à tous les joueurs
Events.BroadcastRemote("GetThisFromServer", my_parameter1)

local player_02 = GetPlayerSomehow()

-- Ou envoyez cet événement à un joueur spécifique
Events.CallRemote("GetThisFromServer", player_02, my_parameter1)
Events.SubscribeRemote("GetThisFromServer", function(parameter1, parameter2, parameter3)
Console.Log("Received " .. parameter1) -- Reçu: "cool data from network"

For more information and examples about using Custom Events, please refer to Events.

Exporting Variables Globally

Another way of communicating is using Package.Export() method, it allows exposing variables (tables, functions, etc) globally so all other Packages can access it directly.


Unlike events, exported functions can return values to the caller. But exported functions are only available to the same side (Server or Client).

Exportation d'une Fonction

With that, you can export functions for example, like that:

-- Définit une fonction que vous voulez exporter
function SpawnCoolWeapon(location, rotation)
local cool_weapon = Weapon(location or Vector(), rotation or Rotator(), ...)
return cool_weapon

-- Exports the function to be called by other Packages
Package.Export("SpawnCoolWeapon", SpawnCoolWeapon)

You can even export a whole table containing functions for example, to work as a library:

-- Defines a table with functions which you want to export
MyAwesomeLibrary = {
CoolMethod = function(a, b)
return a + b
AnotherAwesomeImportantMethod = function(c, d)
return c * d

-- Exports the table to be accessed by other Packages
Package.Export("MyAwesomeLibrary", MyAwesomeLibrary)

Appel d'une Fonction Exportée depuis un autre Package

Now you can access that directly from other packages:

-- Calls the exported function
local cool_weapon = SpawnCoolWeapon(Vector(), Rotator())
-- Calls the exported table
local awesome_result = MyAwesomeLibrary.CoolMethod(123, 456)