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Version: bleeding-edge 🩸

🚩 Events

Subscribe for user-defined Events.

🗿Static Class
This is a Static Class. Access it's methods directly with .. It's not possible to spawn new instances.
This static class can be accessed on both 🟧 Client and 🟦 Server side.
🧑‍💻API Source
This page is auto-generated! The Functions, Properties and Events described here are defined in our GitHub's API Repository! Feel free to commit suggestions and changes to the source .json API files!

🎒 Examples


Remote means the other side, e.g.: if I'm the Client, the remote is the Server. If I'm the Server, the remote is the Client.

Basic Usage

-- register for a local Event (local = client only)
Events.Subscribe("MyLocalEvent", function(my_text)
Console.Log("Event received locally! " .. my_text)
-- outputs "Event received locally! hello nanos world!"

-- calls a local Event in all Local Packages
Events.Call("MyLocalEvent", "hello nanos world!")

-- register for a server Event (remote = server)
Events.SubscribeRemote("MyClientEvent", function(my_text)
Console.Log("Event received from server! " .. my_text)
-- outputs "Event received from server! hello nanos world!"

-- calls a remote Event in all Server Packages
Events.CallRemote("MyServerEvent", "hello nanos world!")

On Server, registering for remote events has an addition parameter: Player, which is the client who sent the event.

-- register for a local Event (local = server only)
Events.Subscribe("MyLocalEvent", function(my_text)
Console.Log("Event received locally! " .. my_text)
-- outputs "Event received locally! hello nanos world!"

-- calls a local Event in all Local Packages
Events.Call("MyLocalEvent", "hello nanos world!")

-- register for a client Event (remote = client)
Events.SubscribeRemote("MyServerEvent", function(player, my_text)
Console.Log(player:GetName() .. " sent an event from client! " .. my_text)
-- outputs "Syed sent an event from client! hello nanos world!"

-- sends an "answer" to the player which sent this event
Events.CallRemote("MyClientEvent", player, "hello nanos world! message only for you!")

-- sends a remote Event to all Players in all Client Packages
Events.BroadcastRemote("MyClientEvent", "hello nanos world!")

Passing entities through Events

-- register for an Event (remote or local)
Events.Subscribe("MyAnotherEvent", function(my_text, my_vector, my_character, my_number)
Console.Log("Event received! " .. my_text .. " " .. my_vector.X .. " " .. my_character:GetViewMode() .. " " .. my_number)
-- outputs "Event received! hello nanos world! 123 1 456"

-- passing Characters through events
local my_temp_character = Character()

-- calls a local Event in all Local Packages
Events.Call("MyEvent", "hello nanos world!", Vector(123, 123, 123), my_temp_character, 456)

-- calls a remote Event in all Server Packages
Events.CallRemote("MyEvent", "hello nanos world!", Vector(123, 123, 123), my_temp_character, 456)

You can find more examples and a compreensive guide at the Events Guide page.

Events Guidecore-concepts/scripting/events-guide

🗿 Static Functions

BroadcastRemoteCalls an Event on Server which will be triggered in all Client's Packages of all Players
BroadcastRemoteDimensionCalls an Event on Server which will be triggered in all Client's Packages of all Players in that dimension
CallCalls an Event which will be triggered in all Local Packages
CallRemoteCalls an Event if on Client which will be triggered in all Server Packages
CallRemoteCalls an Event if on Server which will be triggered in all Client's Packages of a specific Player
functionSubscribeSubscribes for an user-created event which will be triggered for only local called events
functionSubscribeRemoteSubscribes for an user-created event which will be triggered for only remote called events
UnsubscribeUnsubscribes from all subscribed events in this Package with that event name, optionally passing the function to unsubscribe only that callback
UnsubscribeRemoteUnsubscribes from all subscribed remote events in this Package with that event name, optionally passing the function to unsubscribe only that callback


Calls an Event on Server which will be triggered in all Client's Packages of all Players

Events.BroadcastRemote(event_name, args...?)
stringevent_name Required parameter The Event Name to trigger the event
anyargs...?nilArguments to pass to the event


Calls an Event on Server which will be triggered in all Client's Packages of all Players in that dimension

Events.BroadcastRemoteDimension(dimension, event_name, args...?)
integerdimension Required parameter The Dimension to send this event
stringevent_name Required parameter The Event Name to trigger the event
anyargs...?nilArguments to pass to the event


Calls an Event which will be triggered in all Local Packages

Events.Call(event_name, args...?)
stringevent_name Required parameter The Event Name to trigger the event
anyargs...?nilArguments to pass to the event


Calls an Event if on Client which will be triggered in all Server Packages

Events.CallRemote(event_name, args...?)
stringevent_name Required parameter The Event Name to trigger the event
anyargs...?nilArguments to pass to the event


Calls an Event if on Server which will be triggered in all Client's Packages of a specific Player

Events.CallRemote(event_name, player, args...?)
stringevent_name Required parameter The Event Name to trigger the event
Playerplayer Required parameter The remote player to send this event
anyargs...?nilArguments to pass to the event


Subscribes for an user-created event which will be triggered for only local called events

— Returns function (the subscribed callback itself).

local ret = Events.Subscribe(event_name, callback)
stringevent_name Required parameter The Event Name to subscribe
functioncallback Required parameter The callback function to execute


Subscribes for an user-created event which will be triggered for only remote called events

— Returns function (the subscribed callback itself).

local ret = Events.SubscribeRemote(event_name, callback)
stringevent_name Required parameter The Event Name to subscribe
functioncallback Required parameter The callback function to execute


Unsubscribes from all subscribed events in this Package with that event name, optionally passing the function to unsubscribe only that callback

Events.Unsubscribe(event_name, callback?)
stringevent_name Required parameter The Event Name to unsubscribe
functioncallback?nilThe callback function to unsubscribe


Unsubscribes from all subscribed remote events in this Package with that event name, optionally passing the function to unsubscribe only that callback

Events.UnsubscribeRemote(event_name, callback?)
stringevent_name Required parameter The Event Name to unsubscribe
functioncallback?nilThe callback function to unsubscribe