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Aug: Coming to Alpha!

· 3 min read
Gabriel • SyedMuhammad
lead developer™

So long has passed since we started developing nanos world. In late 2017 we started digging about this ambitious idea, we dreamed of creating a seamless open world sandbox gaming experience without the limitations of reverse engineering games such as Just Cause 3 or Grand Theft Auto. So we decided to create a game from scratch, but only in mid 2019 we started working hard, it was really a very enthusiastic idea, but after a lot of blood, love and sweat we are getting there! 🥰

Reworked Docs

· 2 min read
Gabriel • SyedMuhammad
lead developer™

Some time ago, we released our brand new docs version written in Markdown! It was using GitBook services and hosting, the jump was big from the previous version written in Sphinx.